which guy is the winner in the "Million Dollar Traders"?

Surely 10 weeks and a few dozen trades is an insignificant sample on which to reach any sort of accurate conclusion.

Its a totally unfair and pointless exercise to judge the group purely on a profit and loss basis after a matter of weeks. I'd even go as far as to say that two people in the group with the very worst short term results possibly had a far more potential and the right attributes to succeed over the longer term, if given the appropriate support.

Agreed. Ergo it is a totally unfair and pointless exercise to judge an individuals potential for becoming a profitable trader based on 3 hours of heavily edited television footage.
For the original poster, all 3 episodes are now on youtube, linked from antonkreil.com.

EDIT seems like they've been removed actually.... never mind, it was a pretty dumb program anyway
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the idea was not new and the experiment/study had been conducted before

what was interesting was that these candidates entered the markets at the point of recent ongoing corrections

a few did well to be fair with the winner out-performing market return
WinchesterWoman made the best return, which out performed not only the market for that period, but also the rest of Van Dams' fund traders

all the traders made a net loss
True about the time period posts.

How many 'super day traders' from the internet boom managed to hold onto all their profits - not many I would suspect although for a few years they looked brilliant.

Right time, right place - where many fortunes are made. And the flip side is of course wrong time, wrong place where potentially good people have little chance of making it.

Bill Gates is a great example of this. No doubt he's a brilliant businessman but if he was born 10 years later maybe he would be a univertisty professor or just a very successful computer businessman, net worth $10 - $50 million. Same with the Google guys. Good luck to them anyway, if of course you'd want to have that much cash........
Right time, right place - where many fortunes are made. And the flip side is of course wrong time, wrong place where potentially good people have little chance of making it.

Bill Gates is a great example of this. No doubt he's a brilliant businessman but if he was born 10 years later maybe he would be a univertisty professor or just a very successful computer businessman, net worth $10 - $50 million. Same with the Google guys. Good luck to them anyway, if of course you'd want to have that much cash........

If Newton had been born 200 years later, who might he have been? It's useless to say 'right place right time', everyone has 20/20 hindsight.

A genius is defined as 'an individual who successfully applies a previously unknown technique in the production of a work of art, science or calculation'; Google might seem like an obvious concept to us now, but at the time of is creation they were taking a search engine and using it in ways no-one had previously thought of; they fully deserve their success for doing so in my opinion, as do the traders who made their millions during the dotcom boom, albeit for slightly different reasons.
I discount luck fully in life, because luck is a bull**** fallacy and an excuse for losers and the jealous.