where to obtain financial news


where can i go to get the most recent financial news avaible online for free. i know you can get financial news from the bbc, yahoo and sites like these, but these are slow. are there any ones esspecially for investors......? thanks
sorry, i meant uk ones. How does financial information get around anyways? as i guess-company would make announcments to the london stock exchange, then lse past this information to rns (The company news service from the London Stock Exchange) and then all other companies like, bbc, yahoo, uk-wire copies from rns, am i correct? so for me to get the most up to date news is from the lse web site? thanks
yahoo gets most of their financial information from routers. who does routers get it from...hhhhhhhhhhmmmmm......i'm puzzled....
http://www.rns.com is live feed from the LSE on all official announcements. All announcements must be made by companies to the LSE, which in turn publish via RNS (Regulatory News Service)... which again in turn get fed out to the likes of Bloomberg and Reuters (who collate news from all kinds of sources). I recommend http://www.uk-wire.com also who will send you email alerts when there is new news on a specific company. Very good. Used by many fund managers for their investments.
many thanks shawnzki-seems like only u bother to reply or know the answer. one last question-can you provide other sources where bloombery or reuters collate their news from. thanks....
tonyjai said:
many thanks shawnzki-seems like only u bother to reply or know the answer. one last question-can you provide other sources where bloombery or reuters collate their news from. thanks....

Hi, no worries. i cant remember as im not at my terminal but basically and and every news source you can imagine they pretty much have access too. Quite often is from their own reporters out on the field or regulatory news like we have RNS in the UK.