Where do I start?


Hi all,

I'm after about the most general career advice possible really. I'm 25 and have spent/wasted the last five years in the betting industry, working as a football trader, primarily at Sportingbet, one of the biggest bookmakers in the world. For a variety of reasons, mainly to do with the direction the betting industry is heading in, I've decided to call it a day, and am now looking to start again.

My general long-term aim would be financial trading, but in the short term I need a salaried job that will allow me to learn an entirely new game. I'm entirely ready to start from the bottom - I just need to make sure I'm heading in the right direction.

I have no degree, and am considering putting myself through Securities and Regulations - would this be worth my while? And I have no sales experience, though it's certainly not something I'm scared of should it be suggested that Broking is my best idea.

Any useful advice for me?

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Why not apply to one of the spread betting companies to do a similar job to what you're doing now? That might be the easiest step. I say this as someone who has no experience working in the industry so I might be talking out of my ****.
The spread-betting idea is good, but you normally need 6 months experience but worth a go! Trainee Broking roles are regularly advertised on Totaljobs, Cityjobs where you would literally be cold-calling private investors and the investments won't be great quality, but you do build experience and can join a reputable co. at a later stage. However something like Forex Broking is quite good as a starting point as you build up some actual knowledge, instead of just completely blagging- best place is to try out NER as they do advertise loads of trainee positions- & you don't need to be graduate, A-levels are fine. I think quite alot of broking co.s would look at your application as Sportingbet is well known, and you have stayed in a co. for a good amount of time. HOPE THIS HELPS & GOOD LUCK!!