What's Your Political Compass


Established member
Well, seeing as self examination seems to be the in thing around here lately I thought I'd post this one, ( I was sure this has already been posted but a search didn't throw up anything ).

What's Your Political Compass

Take The Test

Anyway, seems I'm a pinky eyed commie which I found a bit surprising.

Results for Dick Dastardly

Economic Left/Right: -2.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.15

I'm a little curious to see the political compass of other members, perhaps some members more than others ( you know who you are :cheesy: )



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Interesting questions. And mine were slightly closer to the Dalai Lama:


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From the perspective of a person who is getting on in life, I'm inclined to the view that, sooner or later, we are going to wipe ourselves out, anyway. I am, certainly, not getting into a twist over Russia's attitude to Georgia. If all that lot want to become democratic nations , let them do so, themselves, without our interference.

I am not willing to sacrifice the well being of our people by allowing Georgia and Ukraine to become Nato members. Their geographical position makes them buffer states, whether they like it or not.

Therefore, I put myself firmly in the camp that feels that we must be strong enough to defend ourselves but, in general, live and let live.

After Iraq, we should have had lessons enough.

I guess the list would put me in the right wing camp although the boxes are , probably, designed to make me feel guilty about that!

LOL. I did vote for hanging. Don't feel guilty split. Fess up and tell us your score.
LOL. I did vote for hanging. Don't feel guilty split. Fess up and tell us your score.

You guys are too clever for me. I don't know how to get that scatter chart out....:confused:

No, no, don't tell me! I'm happy the way I am !:D

Just accept the fact that I'm way, way, right wing! Especially, for a Digger :D


the questions seemed reasonable. but I used the "strongly agree/disagree" only on important issues. I tended to simply agree/disagree if I felt the question wasnt important enough. I conclude that to ge extreme ratings you have to strongly agree/disagree on all questions, which doesnt mean you have strong opinions, only that you are simply opinionated, and see the world in black/white with no grey.
some questions were leading and open to interpretation.
good fun for the morning.


  • trendie.jpg
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Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -1.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.05

Well looks like I'm a well balanced Social animal.

Economic perspective is to the left which to me - means I have a nice rosy social aspect to making money. Kewl - I'm happy.


  • Atilla.png
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fun test, graph as attached


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Looks like I'm a bit.....central. But slightly libertarian.


  • Gumping.htm
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I'm an extremist libertarian, socially and economically, don't need a test to tell me that ;)
Dictatorial Fascist who likes hanging clothes on the line rather than artificially drying them in a confounded machine at great expense.

Economic Left/Right: 0.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.46

Economic Left/Right: 1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.28

Dissappointingly average :confused:
Not really fascist enough for moderating is it :cheesy: :LOL:

Economic Left/Right: -2.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.49
