I live in C.London and saw some of the stuff today in Hyde park..and the more voiolent stuff on the TV news (who I'm surprised didn't set it to music - they make it into entertainment !) I'm not condoning their methods and I actually agree with the cuts, in fact I thibnk (like Chile etc..) we should back it a statutory requirement of any govt to run a balanced budget or surplus, but I sympathise with the potestors hitting symbols of privilage and waelth. Trouble is corporate business is more powerful than governments these days and to a large extent govts have become the mouthpiece of business. Here in the Uk we hear politicians talking of Uk Plc...Well Uk is a country ..it is not a business !. Even in this week's Uk Budget corporation tax was cut apparently in an attempt to stimulate job creation..favouring buisiness...why didn't they cut income tax (favouring the people) and give them more money to spend theus stimulating growth ? In the Uk too we give tax crdits to the lower paid, so effectively the tax payer has to subsidise poorly paid jobs by poor employers. We've got it all the wrong way round, and govt and politicians have falklen for it. You gotta give people something to believe in, these days peole can't afford mortagages (*) let alone anything else, whilst the rich apparently get richer and with the banks we have socilaised risk and privatised profit. cameron says we are all in this together but does anyone really believe that-certainly not the protestors who are aggressively expressing utter frustration with the capitalist model as it stands. I doubt even they want any form of marxism but there is a middle ground. If you take away the hope and rub people's faces in it - don't be surprised by the results.
* In 1972 the average mortgage was 2 x the first wage earner's salary and the repayments amounted to 1/4 of that wage earner's monthly take...in 2008 the average mortgage was 5.6 times a joing income and the monthly repayments were 94% of the first wage earner.)
The meek shall inherit the earth, and if that is true you can be dammed sure that the strong will retain the mineral rights !
Up the workers.