What is Votility in terms of trading please and other basic questions
Sorry to ask such basic questions but what does Votility mean and what effect would a break out have?
Also if a company is due to report, what effect does this have on a share price - before the report?
I am currently using Omnitrader (brilliant for learning!) with a data feed from sharescope EOD. However, the share prices are different to the ones quoted by CMC. This will obviously affect stop losses, exit points etc. What is the best way around this?
It is great fun learning all about trading but boy is there alot to learn!
Sorry to ask such basic questions but what does Votility mean and what effect would a break out have?
Also if a company is due to report, what effect does this have on a share price - before the report?
I am currently using Omnitrader (brilliant for learning!) with a data feed from sharescope EOD. However, the share prices are different to the ones quoted by CMC. This will obviously affect stop losses, exit points etc. What is the best way around this?
It is great fun learning all about trading but boy is there alot to learn!