What do you want to acheive?


Established member
Are alot op people on here making money? Are most using demo accounts? What do you want from your trading? To add to your income? To do full time so you can quit your job? How long have you been doing it? Are you in the red ot black?

Thought it might be an interesting disscussion...
using demo account now as I lost £10k real money over the last 3 months trying to short Oil. its emotionally wrecked me and I am going to demo for a few months with a strict system to see if I can actually make any gains before returning to the market for real
Are alot op people on here making money? Are most using demo accounts? What do you want from your trading? To add to your income? To do full time so you can quit your job? How long have you been doing it? Are you in the red ot black?

Thought it might be an interesting disscussion...

World domination.

Failing that, the wisdom to be able to enjoy a simple fishing boat.
To make some serious cash, then put some into poker and to be retired within 5 years time (or at least not have to work.) :D
Goal: to make a decent living from it to fuel my sports car addiction. I'll also give a lot to charity. I have a couple of good causes marked out (a couple of local cancer hospices and a local social club for teenagers).

To make some serious cash, then put some into poker and lose it again. :D


Plan B:

Start-up largest company in the world with Japanese Housewives trading FX (and anything else that moves) with incredible success during the day, while letting em loose at night to go produce some bestselling and very racy amateur porn.





That's the business plan.

Now, cap in hand I just need to go set up the funding.

Any takers ?
