What are the top 5 UK shares used in Spreading Betting


Junior member
Hi all,

I'm still learning, watching videos, reading books and articles and all that enjoyable hard work:)

Anyhow, Is there a unofficial top 5 (or 3?) UK and USA shares that are SB favorites? In the normal share market, Vodafone and RBS seems the largest traded most days but am I right in thinking because their share price usually only moves a few pence per day that they are not on the experienced SBer's list? Or for example; say Vodafone is trading at 1:28.3 / 1:28.9. Does the faction of a pence count as a point move in SB or does only a full 1p move only count?

I know its a bit of a basic question................but:eek: Thanks for your patience:D