Weekend Forex Monitoring


Hi, I was hoping someone could clarify for me the way the forex market 'operates' during weekend hours.

I realise that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to trade during these hours and I really have no interest in this. What I need to know is if it is possible to monitor the foreign exchange during the weekend so I can a the very least track my money (even if I cannot do anything about it)

I would have thought that, even if trading is not possible, somewhere, someone MUST be monitoring the levels. I find it hard to believe that they 'shut down' the entire world money market over the weekend.

As Forex does not operate on an exchange, and is an OTC interbank market, it just depends on when the banks want to trade. If they fancy trading on a weekend they can do, but in practicality no one does because the liquidity would be nonexistent, also everyone that works in a bank wants to go visit their Gran on the weekend for tea and scones.
Thank you virtuos0 that helps a great deal. I guess it's trade safe or pull out friday night. I appreciate your prompt and succinct reply.