For those of you who like myself who use credit cards online to purchase things,take care.I received my monthly Barclaycard statement and shock horror minus $360 I knew nothing about,this amount was taken in four lump sums $100 $80 $100 and $80 by a firm calling itself ROMANSOFT LTD .I straight away did some investigating on the net and found out it an online gambling service,I have never gambled online in my life and had only given out my credit card details twice last month to trail out Motley fool .co and an Advanced analyser from Ameritrade.I am sure both of the fore mentioned would not give out card details,so the question remains how did they get them?
I am by no means the first one to have such strange goings on happen as my reasearch continued,on a site called Majorgeeks message board there were other people whos details had been got at as well.Reading between the lines as to what Barclaycard told me it would seem as though they know this name. ROMANSOFT LTD.
So people be careful with you credit card details,Barclaycard does have a good legal dept.
regards PeterB
I am by no means the first one to have such strange goings on happen as my reasearch continued,on a site called Majorgeeks message board there were other people whos details had been got at as well.Reading between the lines as to what Barclaycard told me it would seem as though they know this name. ROMANSOFT LTD.
So people be careful with you credit card details,Barclaycard does have a good legal dept.
regards PeterB