I'd always wondered about Vince and his methods, (he sends me loads of literature for some reason).
Long long ago I called him to ask exactly what I'd get from his courses and what techniques I'd learn, and I remember the exact words he said " its just all easy peasy lemon squeezy stuff." Which strangely wasn't enough to convince me to give him several £K.
I've since seen a vid of Vince's trading day. One with Jim Rogers.
It was in a huge auditorium, the attendees had paid a few grand each to be there, he went through a load of old anecdotes from the trading books that everyone has read, and stories everybody knows, and gave a MA crossover system, and a buy on the new high system. that was about it. and he expects that everyone is playing with enough money to work with stops as wide as a canyon.
I'd be amazed if anyone who was in that seminar ever made a penny from the info. But I bet plenty lost. As a presenter he was very unimpressive. He should be ashamed of himself to be taking that money from people.
ps I don't particularly doubt that he makes money from trading, he prob does. But I don't think he is able to pass on any methods that most people can follow comfortably. Whats good for him is not good for others.
I know there are theories that he may not even be a trader, but thats another story.