Use Market Internals and Core Sectors for better trades


Junior member
As a disclaimer before you read more and get disappointed. For market internals I've only been able to easily find them on the thinkorswim platform so I can't help if you're using other brokers. But core sectors can be found almost anywhere.

I initially came to learn about these core sectors and market internals while on ShadowTrader chat that was moderated by Brad Augunas before he was replaced. The ShadowTrader core index can be accessed to those of you that have a thinkorswim account and have the desktop software installed. Once that is taken care of you can click on “Market Watch” tab, then click on “Watch” and finally Scroll through the “Public” section until you reach “ShadowTrader Core Sectors”. If you have done it correctly you should see a screen like the one below.


I go more in depth about all of it but its a 700 word write-up so to see it all if you've liked it so far go to the Source: Execute Smarter trades by utilizing market internals and core sectors.

You can ask any questions or comments by replying here or on my blog.
Hope it helps some because I know thinkorswim has a lot of tools that one can't figure out on their own. :smart:
As a disclaimer before you read more and get disappointed. For market internals I've only been able to easily find them on the thinkorswim platform so I can't help if you're using other brokers. But core sectors can be found almost anywhere.]

This is sort of what I was looking for - intraday sector tracking. This helps - thanks a lot.