Updata RT is quite good - you can get a 30-day free trial.
But then it costs around £800 per year if you go for it. ( as far as I know )
I dont use many of the features, so it is OK for me.
I dont trade intra-day much, so EOD is sufficient for me.
If you email them and ask for more functionality, they tend to say that its "too difficult", etc, which is a pain.
for example, I asked why the Fibonacci lines didnt show 127% ratio -their reply was they didnt believe such a ratio existed !! ( I sent them 3 links to different websites all showing 127% )
Also, the data is for trading days - I asked whether it was possible to show calendar days, ie, how many calendar days have elapsed between 2 points, and they replied it was impossible !! ( Gann and Fibs use calendar days to calculate turning points ).
I wonder if they have heard of Excel !!
But, that aside, it is good value for money.