Unfashionable Advice - Part 2

TheBramble said:
Would anyone be interested to know what happened to Simon?

And his thread? And his posts?

And would anyone like to know which other members knew what he was doing when he deleted his posts and why he did it and what his real purpose was?

And why they never bothered to speak up when he was banned before he could play it out his way?

I've just found out.

I'm stunned...

Simon who ?

more scandal ?

not really surprised by lots of things on this site....but for you to be "stunned"

C V .....
I don't know who Simon was/is, but I have my suspicions.

But I do know where ASC's post are. I captured them and been holding them hostage.

Perhaps a time has come where we can negotiate an equitable ransom?
Shall I send you a note with a number on it? I'd hate to have to rip a page out of the middle, and send it to you, to show you I mean business, but I'll do what I have to do.

please elaborate Bramble. I did fine ASC's Unfashionable posts quite intriguing and was rather surprised when they evaporated
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I thought he was your re-incarnation Bramble! Good posts though, just a wierd ending.
ASC was once here - now he is not.
( he wanted to create a "shock to the system" as illustration of unexpectedness, only for events to overtake him, in an, erm, unexpected manner. Is that the ironic bit ? )

I dont know if ASCs posts were any good, I tended to glaze over after first few sentences, not unlike 7thTraderSignal elsewhere. ( I only read his articles for the pictures - honest ).
I take your word for it, they were good, and worth publishing. ( I do have a high regard for your assessments )

Arent we already aware of shocks to the system via the black-swan analogy ?
Isnt that the whole point of evaluating our capabilities over dozens of trades rather than placing undue value on any specific trade, in recognition that "stuff happens" that we cant plan for?
Why do we have to have this melodramatic "ASC disappears only to return" event ?
This is a sort of Stanislavsky (sp) "method acting" approach to trading, where we have to walk around in loud jackets shouting at the tops of our voices in order to "experience" real trading, or "experience" a shock to the system.
( modern trading surely is more analytical, and statistical by nature, no ? )
I think the vast majority are capable of understanding concepts without the melodrama, and that the overly dramatic approach seems patronising, in that there is the implication that our little minds couldnt understand such a big concept without it being spelled out in such a manner.
Or, maybe, actually, probably, I am being thick. ( not for the first time )

As for "prime directive": each time I hear that phrase I can only think of Star Trek. And when I think of Star Trek I think of Seven-of-Nine in her figure-hugging starfleet uniform. But thats another story entirely.

quiet Mondays, dont you just love 'em ?
Interesting story, always nice to get a resolution on a mystery. I wonder why no-one he contacted ever came forward to enlighten the rest of us.

As regards the meaning of life or "every human's prime directive" (the answer was 43 wasn't it?), a possible answer is the Darwinian philosophy of survival, multiplication, and nurturing ones own subset of the gene pool through the generations. So we should all engage in rampant unprotected sex with multiple partners, and extract huge profits from our trading in order to make all the CSA payments? Note to self, must try harder...
trendie said:
without the melodrama, and that the overly dramatic approach seems patronising, in that there is the implication that our little minds couldnt understand such a big concept without it being spelled out in such a manner.

Or, maybe, actually, probably, I am being thick. ( not for the first time )

No, you're not. And the approach was not only patronising, but condescending. When I received the email, my first thought was not "how clever" but "who do you think you are?"

These games are completely extraneous, and are generally indicative of some sort of hidden agenda. I suppose if I needed more drama in my life, I'd spend more time trying to puzzle out just what that agenda might be. But I find it more beneficial to spend that time studying the market.
dbphoenix said:
No, you're not. And the approach was not only patronising, but condescending. When I received the email, my first thought was not "how clever" but "who do you think you are?"

These games are completely extraneous, and are generally indicative of some sort of hidden agenda. I suppose if I needed more drama in my life, I'd spend more time trying to puzzle out just what that agenda might be. But I find it more beneficial to spend that time studying the market.
jessechan said:
Can someone tell me the full name of dbphoenix book? Thanks.
timsk said:
It doesn't really have one! As I said above, it's more a collection of inter related essays, each of which have their own title. In case you were enquiring for the purposes of doing an Amazon search - or similar - you won't find it. It's not published in the traditional sense and, as far as I'm aware, it's only available direct from the author - dbphoenix. If you want a copy, I suggest you post here requesting dbp to contact you. It's a reasonably safe bet that he'll see this thread!

dbphoenix said:
Even though I didn't start this thread, the rules about soliciting are strict, as they should be. Anyone who's interested in this book is welcome, as I said earlier, to register for my Yahoo site via the www icon below and to review the price/volume thread (Trading by Price thread below). He will receive much if not all the information he needs to decide whether or not to buy the book.

It's impossible for me to say whether or not it will suit any given individual's specific needs. However, no one who has ever bought it thought that it was crap. If someone who buys it does think so, I will be happy to return his money minus the PayPal fee.

There was a young lady from Bude
Who went for a swim in the lake
A man in a punt
Stuck an oar in her ear
And said "You can't swim here, it's private."
Trader333 said:
I think the anwer was 42 if you are referring to the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy :)
Um, what was the question again? ;)