.$500k is the ideal capital for a trading operation,with expected profit of $70m annualy on a full time operation.Try a simple compounding calculation using $500k , with 10 % weekly profits , potentially achieving $70m annually..The amount of capital makes a huge difference to how agressively one can trade , eg if you have $20k in an account ,there is a reluctance to trade agressively and risk a small pot of cash.One can easily afford to hire assistants on a $500,000 account, whereas on a $50k account it is not possible, unless online staff are operating from India.Compounding can be achieved much more easily on a large account , this is because of minimum trading size and it is not simple to compound small sizes.
All the new boys are like a boxer in a boxing ring , taking punches but delivering soft blows , and after delivering soft blows they stop for a while and start learning, or developing systems whilst in the middle of a boxing match taking blows or concentrating on another occupation.Hey coach what do I do now , I been hit.These traders are trading half hearted ,pussy footed and without aggression or balls.
Trading requires full time concentration, sitting infront of multiple computer screens and monitoring the prices every second on all currency pairs,indexes and instruments.It requires a trader and two to three other full time assistants.Same energy and effort is required to trade $10,000 or a $10m account. If trading is done full time , in a professional operation, one can achieve 4 figure % returns..
At present if you do not trade full time, and your time is dedicated to three jobs i.e learning, another full time occupation , developing trading systems and methods,developing and trading automated software and also manual trading , YOU ARE GUARANTEED TO FAIL. .Trading requires a load of energy ,full concentration on the screens , substantial capital(ideally $300k to $500k) and agression to trade . In addition trading knowledge,practical trading skills , trading methods,trading risk management and understanding of market behaviour is required ,all of which have to be gained .Trading half hearted on the three five jobs will not produce the expected returns,because attention can not be given fully to trading, and can lead to losses.