Ukraine invasion

The best bit was when Putler asked Clinton if NATO would be open to having Russia as a member. When Clinton checked back home, he was met with a resounding NO response. 🤣
A non-partisan research post - London
Doctors today called for President Joe Biden to receive cognitive tests that prove he's fit to serve after an astonishing week of gaffes, as well as a report from the justice department that raised serious questions about his health.

The DOJ report described Biden, 81, as a 'elderly man with a poor memory', finding that he did not remember the years he was vice president and could not recall, 'even within several years', when his son Beau died.

Doctors reacting to the assessment said forgetting key events like the death of a loved one were a hallmark of cognitive decline, a precursor for dementia, and called for the incumbent to take cognitive tests to 'prove to the public' that he is mentally sound.

Last night in an unusual move, Biden angrily addressed the nation about the DOJ report, telling Americans 'I know what the hell I am doing!' and insisting that 'my memory is fine.'

However, moments later he committed another startling gaffe, referring to the Egyptian leader as the President of Mexico. Concerns about the president's health have hit a fever pitch following a week of shocking gaffes that saw Biden confuse dead foreign leaders with current ones multiple times.


Tracking President Donald Trump's campaign promises: The Trump-O-Meter is PolitiFact's meter for tracking 100 promises President Trump made during his 2016 campaign. (We tracked President Barack Obama’s promises when he was in office, too.) For each campaign promise, our reporters research the issue and then rate it based on whether the promise was achieved: Promise Kept, Promise Broken, Compromise, Stalled, In the Works or Not Yet Rated. We rate the promise not on the president's intentions or effort, but on verifiable outcomes.

Trump’s 40 Biggest Broken Promises​

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Prof. Mearsheimer is asked about this in his recent interview with Judge Napolitano on his 'Judging Freedom' YouTube channel. Much like those who know they're in the wrong on this thread - Clinton is unable to argue against the message (spoiler alert: because most of it is true!), so she does the only thing she can do which is to attack the messenger with her utterly inane and banal comments. A truly pathetic woman.

In his inimitable style, PJW shines a light on just how biased and hypocritical MSM really are. Enjoy . . .

A non-partisan research post - London
The outrageous claims by Putin that Carlson let slip by: Poland started WWII, Russia 'owns Ukraine' and its a satellite for the US and CIA blew up Nord Stream
  • Putin was interviewed by Tucker Carlson in exchange released on Thursday
  • Former Fox host says Americans have a right to hear from him about Ukraine war
  • But the Russian leader made several inaccurate statements which went unchecked
The best bit was when Putler asked Clinton if NATO would be open to having Russia as a member. When Clinton checked back home, he was met with a resounding NO response. 🤣
The question is c_v, do you know the reason why?
Here's a clue: if Russia joined NATO then there would be no need for NATO and the military industrial complex would shrink to a fraction of what it is today and all the criminals in the White House and Congress would not be making their $millions in back-handers. As At' quite rightly says, the whole insane business is sick and evil.
A non-partisan research post - London
Doctors today called for President Joe Biden to receive cognitive tests that prove he's fit to serve after an astonishing week of gaffes, as well as a report from the justice department that raised serious questions about his health.

The DOJ report described Biden, 81, as a 'elderly man with a poor memory', finding that he did not remember the years he was vice president and could not recall, 'even within several years', when his son Beau died.

Doctors reacting to the assessment said forgetting key events like the death of a loved one were a hallmark of cognitive decline, a precursor for dementia, and called for the incumbent to take cognitive tests to 'prove to the public' that he is mentally sound.

Last night in an unusual move, Biden angrily addressed the nation about the DOJ report, telling Americans 'I know what the hell I am doing!' and insisting that 'my memory is fine.'

However, moments later he committed another startling gaffe, referring to the Egyptian leader as the President of Mexico. Concerns about the president's health have hit a fever pitch following a week of shocking gaffes that saw Biden confuse dead foreign leaders with current ones multiple times.

He lost it years ago. Some might argue, he never had it in the first place. A sure sign that he's not all there is his insistence that "he knows what the hell he is doing". If confirmation was ever needed, that is it. Their tendencies ( assuming he has Alzheimer's) are to become more agitated and aggressive before finally giving in. I'd be surprised if he is not already on medication. This begs the question, what on earth are the Democrats thinking about offering him up as their candidate for 2024 presidency. What a bunch of twisted sicko's.
The question is c_v, do you know the reason why?
Here's a clue: if Russia joined NATO then there would be no need for NATO and the military industrial complex would shrink to a fraction of what it is today and all the criminals in the White House and Congress would not be making their $millions in back-handers. As At' quite rightly says, the whole insane business is sick and evil.

Actually, it's probably much simpler than that.

Russia could never be seen as a "trusted partner".

It be like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coup.
A non-partisan research post - London
  • Russia repeatedly lied in this and other multilateral fora over the true purpose of its extraordinary military build-up on Ukraine’s borders and in illegally annexed Crimea.
  • Russia not only ignored its commitments under the Vienna Document, but weaponised this Confidence and Security Building measure to support its disinformation campaign.
  • Russia rejected calls for dialogue and de-escalation and instead pursued a path of confrontation.
  • Russia said there would be no war.
  • Russia said it had no intentions of invading Ukraine.
  • Russia conducted an unprovoked, premeditated and barbaric attack against a sovereign democratic State to conquer it by force.
The State Department Put Out Another Listicle Of Putin's 'Top 10' Lies On Ukraine
A non-partisan research post - London
Defense News is lying

"The journalist also claimed that "professional liars in Washington who really do not know anything about the area or anything really about the world beyond New York,""


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Prof. Mearsheimer is asked about this in his recent interview with Judge Napolitano on his 'Judging Freedom' YouTube channel. Much like those who know they're in the wrong on this thread - Clinton is unable to argue against the message (spoiler alert: because most of it is true!), so she does the only thing she can do which is to attack the messenger with her utterly inane and banal comments. A truly pathetic woman.

In his inimitable style, PJW shines a light on just how biased and hypocritical MSM really are. Enjoy . . .


That second clip was sooo funny. Both clips on the ball imo.

Thanks Tim.


Highlights the two faced propoganda flushed down our airways.
He lost it years ago. Some might argue, he never had it in the first place. A sure sign that he's not all there is his insistence that "he knows what the hell he is doing". If confirmation was ever needed, that is it. Their tendencies ( assuming he has Alzheimer's) are to become more agitated and aggressive before finally giving in. I'd be surprised if he is not already on medication. This begs the question, what on earth are the Democrats thinking about offering him up as their candidate for 2024 presidency. What a bunch of twisted sicko's.

Well that is the whole point is it not? The establishment want a yes man to rubber stamp their programs stealing billions of tax payers money on playing soldiers. Except they make money whilst other numpties die in the process thinking they are defending their national interest.

Look what happened to the Kennedy's at the thought of any funding being curtailed?

America was always like this. In the old days anyone who didn't buy IBM machines and tills were hounded out of jobs, listed in red-books and couldn't be hired. McDonald Douglas tried to brake into IBM's market and just couldn't. Because anyone who bought any other kit other than IBM meant their careers were over.

Corporations rule America. Where else in the World can corporations sue the Government win and claim tax payers money as damages. One of the other reasons other than sh!t GM food stuff, that the Europeans rightly rejected the TTIP.

Massive skewed distribution of income. Ever widening disparity between haves and have-nots.

Can anyone see US policing the world as once it used to be said? Do they have US referees?

With Syrsky as new Commander, Zaluzhny may lead military coup in Ukraine
See more at

How the EU is understanding democracy:

EU openly threatened Hungarian premier for his reluctance to finance Kiev

Zelensky risks becoming ‘embattled leader’ after dismissing commander-in-chief — Bloomberg

A non-partisan research post - London
The week Biden lost the New York Times: Liberal paper's Editorial Board unleashes astonishing broadside warning of 'a dark moment' as it runs back-to-back opinion pieces knifing the elderly president after damning special counsel report
  • Biden's lack of enthusiasm on the campaign trail and his doddering public appearances are huge concerns, according to the liberal New York Times
  • Anxieties from the Times' editorial board and opinion writers show how worried they are that Biden may not be able to beat 'bad man' Donald Trump this year

Biden's odds to win the Democratic primary tumble to lowest mark in months after damning report on his 'diminished faculties and faulty memory' as Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama see uptick in chances
  • Bettors flee from Biden after damning report from special counsel Robert Hur found the president could not remember basic details
  • The president has just a 60 percent chance of making November's ballot according to the betting markets - down from 73 percent a week ago
  • Former First Lady Michelle Obama and California Governor Gavin Newsom are now attracting the money but both remain below 20 percent
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