Ukraine invasion

This is serious stuff and I agree with Russia's point of view.

It is NATO alliance which is the aggressor here funding supplying and training Ukraine to fight against Russia all but in name.

NATO is not a defensive alliance. That really is a joke when peeps on MSM repeat that line.

NATO has expansion in their horizon and this is clearly visible since Berlin wall has come down.

US and UK leading this war that's for sure. What is so sad imo, is that Germany and France, perhaps reluctantly have gone with it. Very grave mistake taking sides.
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This is serious stuff and I agree with Russia's point of view.

It is NATO alliance which is the aggressor here funding supplying and training Ukraine to fight against Russia all but in name.

NATO is not a defensive alliance. That really is a joke when peeps on MSM repeat that line.

NATO has expansion in their horizon and this is clearly visible since Berlin wall has come down.

US and UK leading this war that's for sure. What is so sad imo, is that Germany and France, perhaps reluctantly have gone with it. Very grave mistake taking sides.
Agreed, At'.

The scenario that sees Russia launching an “open attack” on NATO in the summer of 2025 is pure fear mongering by the west and has no basis in reality. That said, a “path to the conflict” between Russia and the west/NATO which is possible - likely even - is if Iran is drawn into the shenanigans in the middle east. Although it's a formidable military power in its own right, it could not fend off the U.S. and the west on its own. The point being that Russia will not stand by idly and see Iran destroyed and will intervene if there's the slightest prospect of that happening. That's the most likely route to WW3, and it's a distinct possibility if the knuckleheads in the House of Commons, White House and NATO etc. continue to throw fuel onto the fire.

As I've said consistently from the start of this thread, where are the adept negotiators, diplomats and statesmen with the intellectual wherewithal to find peaceful solutions to the world's problems instead of thinking the answer lies with weapons and genocide. There's no question mark at the end of that sentence because, sadly, it's a rhetorical question - as none exist in the west.
Agreed, At'.

The scenario that sees Russia launching an “open attack” on NATO in the summer of 2025 is pure fear mongering by the west and has no basis in reality. That said, a “path to the conflict” between Russia and the west/NATO which is possible - likely even - is if Iran is drawn into the shenanigans in the middle east. Although it's a formidable military power in its own right, it could not fend off the U.S. and the west on its own. The point being that Russia will not stand by idly and see Iran destroyed and will intervene if there's the slightest prospect of that happening. That's the most likely route to WW3, and it's a distinct possibility if the knuckleheads in the House of Commons, White House and NATO etc. continue to throw fuel onto the fire.

As I've said consistently from the start of this thread, where are the adept negotiators, diplomats and statesmen with the intellectual wherewithal to find peaceful solutions to the world's problems instead of thinking the answer lies with weapons and genocide. There's no question mark at the end of that sentence because, sadly, it's a rhetorical question - as none exist in the west.
The German government has a lot of problems currently with their budget planning and the farmers protests.

This document was not leaked, it was given to the BILD newspaper to change the topic which didn't work.

Of course the MSM sell this BS as new truth, they always have and had these scenarios to play with plans. They might work in the same quality as their plans for Ukraine. ;)

They always make and made and have and had plans for hypothetical crisis situations, that is nothing special related to the war.
A non-partisan research post - London

President Zelensky asks Switzerland to organise 'high-level peace conference'
  • Russia will not be invited to the conference, however China is expected to be
Imagine that. Timsk and Att joined up in a reformed dads army !


In reality, they will have run away long before any war starts.

NATO's big Russia-NATO war bluff materialises in tabloid publications
See more at

Putin: If Ukraine continues striking civilians in Russia, Ukrainian statehood will be destroyed
See more at
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Imagine that. Timsk and Att joined up in a reformed dads army !
You're welcome to join us c_v as, by now, you must have all the evidence you could possible ever want that shows without a shred of doubt that - albeit with the best of intentions - you got this one completely wrong and that At' and I have been spot on regarding this issue from day one!
You're welcome to join us c_v as, by now, you must have all the evidence you could possible ever want that shows without a shred of doubt that - albeit with the best of intentions - you got this one completely wrong and that At' and I have been spot on regarding this issue from day one!

I see your wink Tim :)

CV can NEVER be wrong.
CV is ALWAYS right.
CV's mind exists in some twilight zone where the sun's rays light up an alternative reality.

Stranger than fiction but nevertheless, true. :love:

NATO's big Russia-NATO war bluff materialises in tabloid publications
See more at

Putin: If Ukraine continues striking civilians in Russia, Ukrainian statehood will be destroyed
See more at

Ukraine is just simply a tool for the US and UK. A clown puppet to be manipulated and controlled with the strings in Washington and London.

If I was Ukrainian, I would find this to be humiliating. The people being abused by corrupt politicians filling their pockets with the blood of their citizens. The whole show about "we want to join NATO" fiasco is just a joke.

On the other hand there is the option to be like Switzerland, neutral. Also option to join the EU...

and what does the comedian do... Choose war.

Once again this is all about that ever expanding defensive alliance called NATO. They are going to defend us all by surrounding Russia.

Just think about it. Berlin wall comes down. Lots of peace and trade. Cheap gas from Russia. No threat of war or animosity. Yet NATO expands all the way up to the borders of Russia because it feels threatened by Russian expansion. Really? The MSM feeds this line and the mass public regurgitates coz our politicians wouldn't lie or cheat us would they?

Look at Sweden and Finland. They really have stepped into the quagmire of US foreign policy and now making them selves a target if they ever host NATO weapons.

I find the whole shenanigans remarkably daft and stupid policy, led by our corrupt politicians, working for dogs of war and not their citizens.
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A non-partisan research post - London
Russia is hit by huge civil protest in support of anti-Ukraine war activist as 10,000 take to the streets and clash with riot police: Putin speechwriter warns 'This is how the Soviet Union collapsed'
  • 10,000 are protesting in the rural town of Baymak in Russia
  • The protest comes after a popular anti-war activist was jailed
  • The protest is the largest Russia has faced since its invasion of Ukraine began
NATO needs a 'warfighting transformation' and the West needs to change its mindset 'to an era in which anything can happen', says top alliance official amid rising WW3 fears
  • Top NATO chief Admiral Rob Bauer said the bloc needed to prepare for anything
  • He said the world needed to expect the unexpected
  • His comments come as world governments are holding up military aid
This article imho is on the nail.

I've heard similar reports about how they were all in agreement in Istanbul to achieve peace until a meeting with UK and US after the meetings and Zelensky comes back with rejections.

Just to be clear, Russia accepted EU membership application by Ukraine as long as Ukraine accepted neutrality and removed NATO membership.

I still struggle to understand why Ukraine would not want to be a country like Switzerland and never have to face war. UK and US alongside France, are the three top nations who drum about democracy, whilst interfering with the sovereignty of other nations to implement puppet regimes.

The hypocrisy of these three top sh!t stirring countries is sickening.

A non-partisan research post - London
What are the safest countries in the world if World War 3 starts? Map reveals the places most likely to survive if conflict breaks out

Incredible moment US 'Bradley' destroys three Russian BMP-2 fighting vehicles as they try to flank Ukrainian soldiers defending a village - before reducing one of Putin's 'world-best' battle tanks to scrap
A non-partisan research post - London
NATO prepares for Putin: 90,000 troops are called up for alliance's largest military exercise for decades that will run for four months
  • 'Steadfast Defender' will run until late May and involve units from all 31 NATO member countries plus candidate-member Sweden, NATO official said

Russia 'sends death squad after Wagner mercenaries who stumbled across drug trafficking ring involving officials in annexed territory'
  • Masked soldiers claim to be ex-Wagner fighters attached to a Russian regiment
  • Group says they are being hunted after exposing Luhansk officials 'drugs ring'
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Russia kills over 60 French mercenaries in precision missile strike on Kharkiv
See more at

Russia will asymmetrically respond to France for its military involvement in Ukraine
See more at

Zelensky's foreign trips is going to end in Davos
See more at
