I've recently switched from trading shares to US index futures (avoiding the S&P 500 ES) which is going pretty well. Which other futures do people like to trade and why? I'm guessing that markets in certain commodities which represent a real physical product with real supply/demand should be easier to trade than securities linked futures which trade on sentiment alone. Is this your experience? Which markets to you like to trade? As a trader trading purely on ta I'd want to avoid getting into the fundamentals on basis that competing against insiders using public info is not going to work and to avoid trading on important announcement dates - is all commodity announcement and report info obtainable on any one site? Which markets are more prone to black swan events? Do any of you bother to hedge against black swan events causing unexpected limit up or down markets by for example buying long dated well out of the money options? Any book suggestions re commodities trading? I've read a ton of general ta but future specific books seem pretty thin on the ground.
Any advice appreciated.
Here's a link to some excellent articles on trading the mini-dow in case you haven't seen it.
And here's my all time favourite article - Don't be put off by the strange style and check out rule 1 in particular
Any advice appreciated.
Here's a link to some excellent articles on trading the mini-dow in case you haven't seen it.
And here's my all time favourite article - Don't be put off by the strange style and check out rule 1 in particular