Trading with point and figure

load netdania app on your phone
you should be able to pick of trends without placing the trendlines
yu need to able to do nas 100/all within 30 mins only using the charts on your phone
p/f is just a helper
once you can chart read..the rest is easy
you know what you are looking for before you put the p/f chart up
we want you to be able to do most of the donkey work from your phone

levels we call out are just a guide..if they are spot on......which they almost always are...then that makes life a tad easier
if you set netdani chart to weekly on your phone and zip thru all stocks in spx500
yu should be able to do this in under an hour
then yu get a really good feel of the markets
FREE 45-minute Webinar Thursday, April 6 -> click here to register
The dollar is down a small amount. Oil and copper are up. Gold and silver are down. Bonds are down.
The indexes remain mostly range bound and very uninteresting overall. There are pockets of strength, but we’re getting more mixed signals than anything.
Oil stocks, which I talked about last week, are doing well. They’re the best place to be right now.
Big-cap tech are doing well too – lots of new highs there.
But overall there’s a lot of chopping and churning and a lack direction.
Don’t force trades right now.
DOW into the open


updated chart underneath..with a few guide levels


UK isa deadline in 9 hours
Uk fund managers got their close above 7320
70 mins until LSE closes...fingers crossed

you have to hand it to them ...they are so
hedge funds even more