Trading System


Would anyone be interested in buying a profitable trading system off a poor student. System has been backtested using DOW data over the last decade.
Report of Alcoa Inc.
Return 18.02%
Total net profit USD18,024.90
Number winning trades 43
Gross Profit USD309,922.38
Largest winning trade USD22,670.64
Average winning trade USD7,207.50
Maximum number bars by trade 67
Average number bars by trade 9
With buy & hold 36.60%
Ending amount USD118,024.90
Number losing trades 42
Gross Loss -USD291,216.97
Largest losing trade -USD35,703.37
Average losing trade -USD6,933.74
Minimum number bars by trade 1
Number of trades 85

Report of American Express Co.
Return 35.94%
Total net profit USD35,938.55
Number winning trades 38
Gross Profit USD248,238.84
Largest winning trade USD23,543.12
Average winning trade USD6,532.60
Maximum number bars by trade 121
Average number bars by trade 12
With buy & hold 12.35%
Ending amount USD135,938.55
Number losing trades 27
Gross Loss -USD211,780.08
Largest losing trade -USD51,529.46
Average losing trade -USD7,843.71
Minimum number bars by trade 1
Number of trades 65

Report of AT&T Corp
Return 56.75%
Total net profit USD56,754.78
Number winning trades 24
Gross Profit USD267,556.34
Largest winning trade USD145,631.23
Average winning trade USD11,148.18
Maximum number bars by trade 93
Average number bars by trade 16
With buy & hold -46.64%
Ending amount USD156,754.78
Number losing trades 30
Gross Loss -USD210,369.25
Largest losing trade -USD64,762.64
Average losing trade -USD7,012.31
Minimum number bars by trade 1
Number of trades 54

Report of Boeing Co.
Return 17.98%
Total net profit USD17,979.53
Number winning trades 47
Gross Profit USD347,464.97
Largest winning trade USD31,843.30
Average winning trade USD7,392.87
Maximum number bars by trade 87
Average number bars by trade 11
With buy & hold 7.85%
Ending amount USD117,979.53
Number losing trades 24
Gross Loss -USD328,917.22
Largest losing trade -USD79,145.05
Average losing trade -USD13,704.88
Minimum number bars by trade 1
Number of trades 71

Report of Caterpillar, Inc.
Return 8.57%
Total net profit USD8,573.59
Number winning trades 36
Gross Profit USD152,335.16
Largest winning trade USD28,237.45
Average winning trade USD4,231.53
Maximum number bars by trade 93
Average number bars by trade 12
With buy & hold 14.45%
Ending amount USD108,573.59
Number losing trades 33
Gross Loss -USD143,209.30
Largest losing trade -USD25,677.38
Average losing trade -USD4,339.68
Minimum number bars by trade 1
Number of trades 69

Overall results
# Losing stocks 0
# Wining stocks 5
Average Percent loss N/A
Average Percent profit 27.45
If the system is for sale, then it's obviously not profitable! If it was profitable then the creator would be sitting on a beach in the sun.

And the system's largest losing trade is ... minus $79,000. Nice system - not.

Systems are posted freely all over the Internet, no-one needs to pay for them, they just have to look.
I definitely agree with Skimbleshanks, a large bar pole springs to mind.
...poor student..but with profitable system - for sale?...

dosen't add up.....!!!
well your probably right, not my system and i am not affiliated with it however if the creator has no capital then that provides a valid reason for selling it

A system sounds like it does the work for you.
Method you must apply.
I've seen a lot of "systems" over the years. Whether it's trading or gambling systems. They may appear to work for a while but it always ends in tears. If they were out there, you would've heard about them! The people I've known over the years that have made a lot of £$ are the ones that chip away at it. You need a bit of balls as well. The rest are the dreamers looking for the "big one". I haven't seen many "big ones" over the years, but I've seen plenty of people go bust looking for them.

Be lucky,
The world is full of systems that work when back tested.........
Not one is worth wasting seconds of your life looking at.
As for buying one, give me a break. You can write several "winning systems" yourself on TS in an afternoon.
Poor student

The "SYSTEM" failed hence the "POOR" student.

It has been said, by those wiser than I, that God could give someone a winning system/method and the recipient would still produce a loss.

So it would seem that the majority of effort required to produce a winning trade is in one's head - not whether Pluto is in UrAnus.
