Historic 5 bar data for DOW, DAX ,SPAIN and ITALY


Junior member
Does anyone have 5 minute data from before Feb 2015 for the DOW, DAX SPAIN 30 and italian indices ?
I have a system that I would like to backtest further.

Does anyone have 5 minute data from before Feb 2015 for the DOW, DAX SPAIN 30 and italian indices ?
I have a system that I would like to backtest further.


Getting history could be complicated, especially 5-min history. Daily history is easier to find but you do not need it. Most historical data providers will give you 1-minute data and then you will have to compile 5-minute data by yourself.

Also, Any data feed provider will sell you raw historical tick data in their own specific format and you will need some programming knowledge to extract data and again to compile 5-minute data. Could be expensive.

It could be easier to find a chart providers who gives history on charts and has already compiled 5-min history, but you may only back-test there indicators they offers...

As an example, with my chart provider I may scroll DOW index 5-min history back to 1997 (see chart below). However, they have history on charts only and I may test only what they have on charts. Plus they have no European indexes.
