Trading related events/seminars for an Aussie?


Hi everyone,

My first post here. Trust all things are well in the UK traders worlds!

I trade small cap stocks for a living in Australia *(4 years basically full time and so far so good). I'm going to the London and surrounds then Ireland for about a 6 weeks from mid April as my wife is a Londoner and we have our first baby to show off to the relatives etc. In order to be able to claim this trip as a business expense I need to attend some trading type events, do a course, meet some traders etc. I'd also enjoy doing this to see how trading is is the UK.

I would be most thankful if anyone could suggest trading related things to do while in the UK. Alternatively useful links or any other pointers would also be great. Any ideas?

Also if any active traders are interested in meeting for a chat and possibly a beer or two then I'm open to suggestions. Would be fun and hopefully mutually beneficial. You can even talk about the rugby....

Steve van
Hi and welcome (AT?)

a couple of tourist type trips might be of interest ?

get an invite to the Bank of England. (they serve a first class lunch in the boardroom)

Lloyds of London is worth a walkabout. A very interesting business !

havea good trip
Thanks for the reply bonsai! Have checked those options out on the net.

Yes I guess tourisity things are good but also events that would allow me to meet with UK traders would be good. I see it as a mutual learning opportunity.

I also see T2W run some seminars etc so might check them out if the timing is right.

Anyone else have any ideas?

If anyone's interested in how trading is done in Australia take a look at forum. It's one of the better ones. Or for a laugh at how idiots go about it

Steve van