New Events Section


Today is the launch the new Events section on Trade2Win. The idea behind it is to save you time finding scheduled trading and investing events.

You'll find it nestled up in the menu bar between Reviews and the Book page. You'll also see a new side bar on the forum list page, showing the next two events coming up.

Right now we list mostly live events happening in London, given that most of our members are UK based and most financial related events happen in London. But you'll find some major ones like the TradersEXPO in the US and there's a few in Edinburgh or Manchester too.

You can submit your own events, which once approved will appear on the site. There's also the ability to RSVP if you're going along, to easily see if other T2W members will be there.

As always, feedback and comments appreciated.

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We launched this a year before Covid hit, and pulled it, if my memory serves me correctly, during Covid, when we were all isolating at home and spending all day on Zoom calls. Well, I'm pleased to say, after attending London Trader Show yesterday that the in person shows/conferences are very much back. So I've got the Events section live again and will be researching and publishing all the upcoming events over the next several months. I can honestly it was really great to meet some of the T2W members and just traders in general, at yesterday's show; and would strongly recommend the benefits of in person meetups. Hopefully we'll get a T2W summer drinks sorted too.

To get a taster of the sorts of investor/trader events that have run in the past, you can check out the handy archive here: