Trading advisory business in the UK

London prisoner

Junior member
I am a 28 yo full time trader who moved to the UK last year. I live in London and at the present time trade a small account with a profitable methodology. Looking for way to possibly increase and steady my income as well as a new exciting project to keep me busy and learn new things I considered starting a trading advisory service in the form of an electronic newsletter and the real time email delivery of my EOD transactions. Much to my dismay I quickly realized the FSA regulations would prevent me from doing this even in the form of a trading diary one could hardly construe as financial advice. It's really sad that in this country entrepreneurship is thwarted by regulations that make no sense while scamsters of all sorts thrive in total impunity and even prominent financial institutions don't seem to bother with complying with the law.
Afraid so - the whole regulatory system is a bit of a joke. So many scam merchants get away with murder and so many big institutions sell duff products. Such is life!
Agreed. And that's from someone who works for one of the large fsa registered institutions! (who shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons).