Traders jacket/ Coat


Junior member

Does anyone know how I can get my hands on a couple of traders coats. I trade full time with my brother at our offices and thought it would be fun to wear the coats.

If you dont know where to get them do you know what they are called.

Many thanks :idea:
lol .. :)

if something is worth doing, its worth doing right eh?

get yourself some red suspenders too!
Liffe Jacket

I have been searching for hours on where I can find a couple.

Does anyone have one that can direct me in the right direction or know where I can buy them.


Maybe an obvious question, but why dont you ask LIFFE where they used to get them from?
IPE still use them. Ask them who makes them. Some of the locals have their own made up. I'll ask a mate.
Re: Liffe Jacket

allenm said:
I have been searching for hours on where I can find a couple.

Does anyone have one that can direct me in the right direction or know where I can buy them.


1) Take the first train to Brighton

2)Proceed to Brighton beach

3)Give the nice man £2 and rent a deckchair

4)Take deckchair to edge of beach

5)Cut hole in seat of nice deckchair

6)Stick head in hole

7)Stand up

You are now the proud ownwr of a nice new LIFFE jacket for only £2 (not including train fare).

Like the idea mate. The only thing that puts me off is the thought of all those sweaty arses that have been there before!!
Blairlogie :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
allenm: Some people will pay good money for a sniff :cheesy:
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@Blair lol
@ all, well I must say LIFFE jackets look more decent than the jackets/coats worn on NYSE. Those look like butcher/plumber jackets lol.
Just asked a guy here, he said he will have a look at labels tonight as he still has 5 or 6 and will let me know tomorrow. Will pass on accordingly.
Some of the LIFFE ones were made by Laurence Highman in the City, old phone number in my jacket is 6280165...let me know if they still make them
LIFFE used to sell the locals jacket (red) for about £30. Others went to Petticoat Lane.
Allenm, Great idea to have a trading outfit. Jacket looks much better than my old fleece. Shame that job doesn't involve much walking about. My office is 1 flight from kitchen/coffee and just 10 steps from the loos.
Make sure that you do get the sussies with $ or £ signs and ditto tie!
perhaps Sharky should sell T2W jackets in T2W online shop? We'll all wear them at T2W socials. Gosh, trading is soon becoming a very sociable profession!!
Hahahah - not my old jacket mate!

There are so may naughty words that were biroed on mine that I'd be arrested if I wore it in public.

I could wash it of course, but I always thought of it like the Hells Angels regard their 'skins' (denims) - never washed!

I remember one bloke who left his jacket lying around while he went out for lunch. His mates got a BIG marker pen and wrote W*ANKER across the back. He never realised until the floor manager told him to get a new one, or get a fine hahahahaha....

aaah the good old days
A bloke I met on a diveboat in the Red Sea a few year ago bought his jacket with him. After getting pissed one night on the boat he put it on for photos. Just so happened that we had 3 Russian Mafia guys there from St Petersburg and mysteriously by morning the jacket having been discarded on deck had disappeared and was never seen again.
twalker said:
A bloke I met on a diveboat in the Red Sea a few year ago bought his jacket with him. After getting pissed one night on the boat he put it on for photos. Just so happened that we had 3 Russian Mafia guys there from St Petersburg and mysteriously by morning the jacket having been discarded on deck had disappeared and was never seen again.

Good job he took it off then. I don't think occupancy of said jacket would have deterred them.