Traders Bacon

I suspect that many traders will suffer more from the stress of trading than the effects of a bacon sarnie!
We've known for decades that processed meat is not good for you, just as we've known for 100 years that smoking is not good for you.

Giving up processed meat is not the big deal that so many think it is. Difficult to beat a properly-roasted chicken, preferably range-fed.

I can drink like a fish, but haven't touched meat of any kind since at least 15 years.

Tell ya what.

I don't miss it any more than I missed smoking when I quit that.

Everything really is exclusively between the ears, period.

And best of all, if I make some food with tofu or sthg you'd really be hard put to tell if that's say Bolognese or whatever or not.

Seriously there are some extremely yummy things you can concoct and where meat eaters don't miss anything, when having people over who eat meat there's not one who didn't go home with a wow-I-had-no-idea look on their faces.


Not eating meat doesn't mean you're stuck to munching raw carrots.

Well I do that too but that's a different story.
