Tradefair upcoming cfd exchange platform

Lord Flasheart

Legendary member
I received a call from tradefair yesterday explaining that they will be luanching a new cfd platform in january that will be an exchange like betfair.Has anyone else heard of this and what products will be available
Very interesting prospect but would need liquidity to take off. no point being able to buy 10000 barclays on there cheaper than the screen and for little comm if you can't get out
Yes liquidity is what it is all about. There must also be a liquidity provider, at least in the initial state, in order to assure a functioning market.
I cant imagine betfair not making enough liquidity available for the luanch.They see this as their big chance to break into financials in a massive way. Tars article implies it will only be for shares initially,is that the case. What would happen if they did it for forex and fututres, many would switch or would the tax free spread betting still be as attractive. They told me it was a cfd exchange aimed mainly for europeans.