trade with the indication of Value line


hi everyone,
now a days the market seems very volatile and thats why i am not investing that much. i am learning some indicators in details. here i like to share my experience and learning of value lines to all of you. it may help you to find out some good stocks.
we are telling SMA 11 and SMA 22 together as value lines. value lines are very active for each and every stocks. once you master about it then you will predict your stocks very quickly.
as for example suppose price is near to bollinger band or below bollinger band then it needs some correction. if it makes some correction then how much it may do it? the answer is upto value lines. after touching value lines price will start declining again if the stock is fundamentally a bad company and vice versa.
you can check TPK weekly as for example.
hi everyone,
now a days the market seems very volatile and thats why i am not investing that much. i am learning some indicators in details. here i like to share my experience and learning of value lines to all of you. it may help you to find out some good stocks.
we are telling SMA 11 and SMA 22 together as value lines. value lines are very active for each and every stocks. once you master about it then you will predict your stocks very quickly.
as for example suppose price is near to bollinger band or below bollinger band then it needs some correction. if it makes some correction then how much it may do it? the answer is upto value lines. after touching value lines price will start declining again if the stock is fundamentally a bad company and vice versa.
you can check TPK weekly as for example.

Not necessarily.

Just because price is at the bottom (or top) of a bollinger band doesn't mean it is about to move back towards the centre.. (moving average, or 'value' lines as you call it, whatever). It may work in a ranging market, in which case your 'value lines' would be rendered a total waste of time.

I'm not going to write anymore, there is just so much not right in your post i don't know where to start. (as for the whole issue of a fundamentally bad company having declining stocks- i don't believe this to be true- but each to their own i suppose). And what is all this about 'value lines'? What's wrong with calling them moving averages?
its may be waste of time for you but the truth is i got huge support by using this value lines. i am calling value lines as they have some value on stocks.if you watch closely and practice it then you may come to know the value of value lines.any way its your own opinion.
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