Trade professionally in Billericay, Essex. And enter the world of algorithmic Trading


Junior member
I have a couple of desks available and am interested in hearing from anyone that is interested in trading professionally in Billericay, Essex, UK and getting involved in algorithmic trading.

We are a long time established proprietary futures trading company able to provide high speed, real-time access and execution to the worlds leading futures exchanges at professional rates. Currently we have 15 successful local traders who focus on trading Short Term Interest Rates (Euribor, Eurodollars, Short Sterling, and Swiss), Government Bonds, Commodities and Indices utilising a combination of algorithmic trading tools and standard methodologies.

We focus heavily on automation of high and low frequency trading strategies and have a number of successful algorithmic trading applications (with more currently in development) that can assist in helping you to trade by limiting risk and improving profitability. Our applications are robust, adaptable, risk sensitive and can operate at the sub millisecond level (microseconds). We can execute orders into the various markets (i.e. CME/CBOT, LIFFE, and EUREX) in less than 10 milliseconds.

If you are a self funded professional futures day trader located in Essex we can provided all the facilities that you need and assist you to improve your trading through use of algorithmic applications. If you just want to trade manually that’s okay as well as we can provide front end and access for you as well as any facility that you may require. If you have high volumes, we will give you the most competitive rates. We are well funded and do not have any issues with margin unlike many of the other groups that are experiencing problems at the moment. Our clearers are pre-eminent and provide a world class service and are a British company located in the heart of the financial centre of London. WE PROVIDE INSTANT DRAWS.

If you are a retail trader located in Essex and can demonstrate that you have successfully traded futures at a retail level and have proven strategies, then we can help you to become a professional trader. We will back you so that you get going. However, be warned that you will need to prove yourself of being capable and able to extract money from the markets very rapidly.

For retail traders, the keys to joining my group are-

1. You live in Essex, UK. (close to billericay)
2. You can be at your desk by 6:45am.
3. You prepared to work late.
4. Have a good understanding of market technical’s.
5. Have a good understanding of market fundamentals.
6. Are technically proficient in computers.
7. Can demonstrate that you have successfully traded at a retail level.
8. Are hungry to learn and are passionate about trading.

Please send me an email/private message explaining who you are and what you would like to achieve.

Thank you