Trade FTSE Options in spread betting firm?


Is it possible to trade FTSE options with spread betting firms, using the same strike prices and time to expiry as the real options? I'm new and want to practice trading options without risking a large capital trading real options, so will like some practice using a spread betting firm. If you know of any other way to do this besides spread betting, please let me know also. Thank you!

hlpsg said:
Is it possible to trade FTSE options with spread betting firms, using the same strike prices and time to expiry as the real options? I'm new and want to practice trading options without risking a large capital trading real options, so will like some practice using a spread betting firm. If you know of any other way to do this besides spread betting, please let me know also. Thank you!


I know cityindex, Cantor index, and Ig index, all make a market in ftse options.
mpjordan said:
I know cityindex, Cantor index, and Ig index, all make a market in ftse options.

Hi Martin,
Thank you, I checked out all three and they do offer what I'm looking for. Thanks once again!

Of the three, I personally would recommend City Index.

I also recommend that you tarde with them over the phone rather than via internet, as you may get a tighter spread.
(But if you live in Singapore that may not be an option - pardon the pun!)
Airthrey Capital said:
Of the three, I personally would recommend City Index.

I also recommend that you tarde with them over the phone rather than via internet, as you may get a tighter spread.
(But if you live in Singapore that may not be an option - pardon the pun!)

Yup, it'll be an expensive Call to make...haha! Thanks very much for the recommendation, if you don't mind me asking could I ask why you prefer City Index over the rest?
hlpsg said:
Yup, it'll be an expensive Call to make...haha! Thanks very much for the recommendation, if you don't mind me asking could I ask why you prefer City Index over the rest?

City are good, but the guys at cantors know their stuff and they almost always give me tighter than the market spreads for strats and the very liquid contracts.
The IG internet platform is wicked for option trading if you are going to do small size but for that you are killed by the massive spread, which is ashame...

best of luck
Just wanted to provide some feedback to the group. I first emailed Cantor Index on 31st Jan 05 with a list of questions, did not get a reply. I resent my query today again, and got a reply. In the reply my name was spelled wrongly, and most of my questions were not addressed. But they did tell me that if I resided in the UK they will send me their brochure, and are unable to take foreign clients at the moment.

I then tried City Index, got an instant reply the very next day that answered each one of my questions. This was my experience with the customer service, but not the quality of trades. Hope it'll be of some help to anyone else looking for the same thing.
Are you aware the Finspreads offer tight spreads on options? Maybe worth trying although currently only on the phone - I believe they will be putting them on the web eventually!
chuds said:
Are you aware the Finspreads offer tight spreads on options? Maybe worth trying although currently only on the phone - I believe they will be putting them on the web eventually!

Thanks, I'll check them out also.
Dammit-you guys are on the same track as me..... Having been' gang-raped' by silly commissions,and rotten spreads in a rigged illiquid market,I hope the spreadbet companies come up to snuff. UK option trading is just shy of a joke,but at least we can scratch a living
Windlesham1 said:
Dammit-you guys are on the same track as me..... Having been' gang-raped' by silly commissions,and rotten spreads in a rigged illiquid market,I hope the spreadbet companies come up to snuff. UK option trading is just shy of a joke,but at least we can scratch a living

trade the DAX...a much better amrket than the FTSE and mkt spreads are like 0.1 euros tight.....not srue about the other SB but when I trade with cantors can get ATM stuff for like 1 to 2 tick spread...what are IG et al like????
I trade U.S. Options and am doing well - it really is no point trading options in non-volatile markets eg FTSE. Dax is also v volatile and I will be looking into that soon!
bradjones775 said:
I trade U.S. Options and am doing well - it really is no point trading options in non-volatile markets eg FTSE. Dax is also v volatile and I will be looking into that soon!

FTSE is great at the moment for a short gamma position....short front month gamma and long some Sep gamma
Exp with IG

FTSE is great at the moment for a short gamma position....short front month gamma and long some Sep gamma


I have been with IG since last 1 year but now getting expertise, want to trade in
individual stock options which IG does not offer on net plateform,

Are you guys aware of any spread bet provider does offer this on internet? what I just
don't want is, everytime calling them up & get quote, what I need is at fingertip.

I currently trade ATM butterflies on the US indices (RUT, MNX), now I know the US brokers are miles ahead of what you can get here in the UK, but hearing about these spreadbetting firms, I would like to know if anyone has had experince trading strategies like the butterfly with them. Is it easy to adjust using both front and back month options & what is their commision structure like. I know i'm not going to get a TOS like experience, but just exploring potential alternatives as I'm UK resident & would like to diversify some of my investment earnings, which is mainly US based.

Are the spreads not completely ridiculous? Last time I looked (years ago) at IG's offerings they were exorbitant, plus you could only go long, has this changed?
you could not use a strategy with spreadbet options the spreads would make a butterfly unprofitable, and you would have to leg in,though you can sell to open, and margin is ok. check out IG it's free to take a look, and you can fund an account with just a few quid. enjoy.
Is it possible to trade FTSE options with spread betting firms, using the same strike prices and time to expiry as the real options? I'm new and want to practice trading options without risking a large capital trading real options, so will like some practice using a spread betting firm. If you know of any other way to do this besides spread betting, please let me know also. Thank you!

Make sure you learn the basics before trading. See my post on writing options (the cash cow- conservative option writing)