Whilst I agree with the sentiments expressed by Salty Gibbon, I think the way that this measure has been railroaded through is nothing short of scandalous.
The Scottish assembly voted by a majority to abolish tuition fees and not to introduce top-up fees. English and Welsh MPs had no vote on this.
In the recent Commons vote, English and Welsh MPs rejected top-up fees in England and Wales by a clear majority of about 48. It was only the 53 Scottish MPs, voting with the Government, that enabled the measure to be passed with a majority of just 5. So we now have top-up fees because Scottish MPs, having decided that Scottish students should not pay fees, have decided that English and Welsh students should, safe in the knowledge that the legislation would not apply to their own constituents. Their vote was pure vindictiveness in a matter that didn't concern them! And this is what now passes for democracy in Britain!
Did you see the students debating this with Blair, chaired by Paxman? One student pointed out that when he earns £15,000 he will be paying 42% tax (22% inc tax, 11% Nat Ins, 9% student loan repayment), which is 1% more than Blair, (and Richard Branson, the Beckhams and the Duke of Westminster). This is fair???
And finally there was a clear, unambiguous manifesto committment to not introducing top-up fees during the life of the parliament. We have been lied to yet again. In private business this would be a matter for litigation as a breach of contract.