Look at your own psychology consciously direct yourself at all times. (emotion,conscious,sub-conscious) look at those 3 get to understand them and yourself,how they affect you in trading. (take years ? YES very likely)
Armies are effective at conditioning humans to act immediately without hesitation on an order . You will have to be your own drill sergeant following your own orders.
Read Mark Douglas,Alexander Elder. (psychological primers specific to trading)
Zen philosophy (specific to everything) ,
The psycholgy and zen lead to having control (recognising ) over your ego and emotions. Conditioning yourself to act in your best interests. No matter what method you employ.
If you start feeling physically upset , then its a sign you need to look at your psychology firstly/deeper .
Enjoy The Trip.
not tips as such but mainly what I would talk to you about. "Master yourself and your away" maybe.
Listen to opinions , dont close off to anything, but understand you take full responsibility when chosing to act or not act on them. Find out for yourself.