Hi , just reading thru this board and was extremely impressed with the information available . I use the basics , supp/res , trendlines , simple moving averages , patterns( cup & saucer etc) , and also view the VIX and CRB .Since im a rookie I was hopeing to be enlightened by the more experienced members as I would like to learn an additional "TOOL" for my trades. I would also like to hear your views on the following : davros box systeme
: guppy multiple moving averages systeme
: PARTIAL TREND LINES ( are they useful)
I hope with your guidance I can find the perfect compliment to my existing trading style .
thank you for your time and energy !!!
: guppy multiple moving averages systeme
: PARTIAL TREND LINES ( are they useful)
I hope with your guidance I can find the perfect compliment to my existing trading style .
thank you for your time and energy !!!