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When first giving consideration to trading as a means of shall we say employment, or ones intent to earn a living from, what advice would you all give to a complete novice, aside from reading the wealth of literature that the internet affords us... would you recommend perhaps websenimars or seminars in general ? not looking for a fast track initiation into the world of trading, moreover the best means in which to begin to learn ...
When first giving consideration to trading as a means of shall we say employment, or ones intent to earn a living from, what advice would you all give to a complete novice, aside from reading the wealth of literature that the internet affords us... would you recommend perhaps websenimars or seminars in general ? not looking for a fast track initiation into the world of trading, moreover the best means in which to begin to learn ...

Welcome to a very tough world.If your just starting,read everything on this site,go to as many free seminars and courses as you can.The hard bits to learn will come later once you understand trading. Learn what happens and then learn about the emotional issues
Welcome to a very tough world.If your just starting,read everything on this site,go to as many free seminars and courses as you can.The hard bits to learn will come later once you understand trading. Learn what happens and then learn about the emotional issues

Thank you kindly for the advice Lord Flasheart very much appreciated, thank you also for the utube link and for the smiles in remembarance of a now bygone era and a mis-spent youth ...
write off 6 months and immerse yourself in everything related to styles of trading and trading systems .....dont worry about particular markets...that comes later !

seminars , vidoes , webinars , pdf's websites ....anything free ..look at it .....I personally would not physically go to anything Free as thats 100% guaranteed to be a sales pitch

if you are intelligent and committed - within a month or so you will be already fine tuning and realising what is of interest to you for further analysis...you will have also realised the mountain of information produced by Charlatans, wannbees and losers out there (welcome to trading) looking to teach you stuff available for free if you look hard enough

then keep fine tuning until yuo think you have something
then pick a market
then Demo trade until profitable
Then real trade

if you get there then you are part of a very limited group of people

When first giving consideration to trading as a means of shall we say employment, or ones intent to earn a living from, what advice would you all give to a complete novice, aside from reading the wealth of literature that the internet affords us... would you recommend perhaps websenimars or seminars in general ? not looking for a fast track initiation into the world of trading, moreover the best means in which to begin to learn ...

I would advise you to seek out profitable traders and meet them face to face, bribe them with coffee and/or donuts. Try and get them to mentor you. I would advise against ready the majority of trading related books and going on any free seminars, this could set you back years or worse.

For starters you could contact Futex, Schneider, Marex Spectron, Xconnect, Kyte Group and see what the score is.
I would advise you to seek out profitable traders and meet them face to face, bribe them with coffee and/or donuts. Try and get them to mentor you. I would advise against ready the majority of trading related books and going on any free seminars, this could set you back years or worse.

For starters you could contact Futex, Schneider, Marex Spectron, Xconnect, Kyte Group and see what the score is.

Theres probably some truth in that,but Id be very,very careful about approaching that type of company, at the end of the day it will still come down to you
When first giving consideration to trading as a means of shall we say employment, or ones intent to earn a living from, what advice would you all give to a complete novice, aside from reading the wealth of literature that the internet affords us... would you recommend perhaps websenimars or seminars in general ? not looking for a fast track initiation into the world of trading, moreover the best means in which to begin to learn ...

I'm guessing you are not a recent grad?
The most obvious way is to get a job at a bank / fund.

Avoid 'prop shops' (as mentioned above) like the plague. (Different to Choc's view, but they are mostly the lowest of the low).

Webinars, possibly. But only from pro traders. "keeneonmarket" and "50pips" have a good view of the market. They are possibly a bit advance for you but see how you go.

You are going to go down a lot of duff roads. Just try to enjoy the ride without losing all your money.
to be or to die. my suggestion is to observe the everything here.but not put your money so quick into the market. learn something, then start the journey of trading.
It's an interesting one - especially as there are so many companies out there that offer free training. I would also advise attending free training where you can- but just check out the company's background and credibility on Google carefully. I know some big training organizations who have very bad reputations.

It's a shame, as it ruin's it for the one's who genuinely want to help others.