The Vomit Thread


Legendary member
You know why you're here.

Please do not get personal or name names. Or say anything worthwhile. Or even vaguely related to trading.

Just register your complete disgust. With a single symbol of your displeasure.

There are a lot more of us than there are of them.

This could take off.


  • baby the finger.jpg
    baby the finger.jpg
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  • saclur fu.jpg
    saclur fu.jpg
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not vomit.


  • vomit.jpg
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lol! nice one tw!


  • owned-32154.jpg
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rols said:
Pass the Strimmer...

.....on second thoughts

might be a good opportunity to start a hedge fund. :cheesy: :cheesy:
JumpOff said:
Have fun you all! (and try to keep within the guidelines......) ;)

IMO a photo of a lady laughing (albeit naked with a generous endowment of lower thatch) is far less offensive than the C word which features twice on this thread already. My wife agrees too!

I suppose it is not my place to reason why....... :confused:
I note with wry amusement that this thread had been moved from 'General Trading Chat' (where it was as inappropriate as about half the other trash posts in real trading threads, but it would take the mods more hours than there are in the day to filter/move it) to 'The Foyer'.

Two things spring to mind.

Adds some zest to the phrase 'cleaning up the threads' when you consider the title.


Who in their right mind would want to move a pile of vomit to their Foyer???

Anyway, back on topic for this thread, great meal last night and fantastic to meet so many wannabees, liars, bullsh!ters, deludos and cons. PM in all your inboxes. Email me for more of the special secret stuff. See you all up at Brokeback for our normal Saturday night get together. I'm in tent #9. Tickets $5 advance, $7 at the flap...

Let's all spank some bottom...

mods note: this is all light-hearted banter and not intended to parody anyone living, dead or in that strange intermediate stage that is t2w.

Note to JO's edit of obscene filth: A good call in my opinion and although Rols' wife may have found it inoffensive she's obviously a bit of a show off anyway...
TheBramble said:
Note to JO's edit of obscene filth: A good call in my opinion and although Rols' wife may have found it inoffensive she's obviously a bit of a show off anyway...[/I]

hmmm, yes, I was thinking it was a conjectural offering that rols was hinting at launching a "Traders Wives" section......

well I went Joe Ross "Go Deep" Stylie and thats what I came up with.

Fair Play Rols. I'd certainly "Buy That For A Dollar" as they say.. :p

As for the Edit? As clear a case of "Thatch Envy" that has been presented to modern man, that we are unlikely to witness for some considerable time to come. Cheers Mods.

Real Trust

I'd like to throw up some ideas for general discussion or even just for your personal introspection. Some thoughts on the basis of trust. Who do you trust, and why? What makes you trust someone?

Let's take professionals. Those people who have educated themselves beyond first or even higher degree level and have gone on to spend a number of years learning their craft. Doctors, dentists, architects, lawyers for instance. On average, about 7 years of education beyond high school. I imagine we have all at some time or another used the services of one or more of these professionals. Did they all inspire the same degree of trust? I think they probably did not. So, what was the difference that made the difference?

Forgetting the odd Outer Mongolian that sets up as a doctor in your town with forged documentation of his medical provenance (I have no idea if any Outer Mongolian has ever done this anywhere). Forgetting these newsworthy outliers, most if not all doctors you will ever encounter have had similar amounts of education pushed through them. But they do not all equally inspire the same feelings of trust. Some you hear about from others as being a bit 'iffy' or not as good as old Dr. Lau or whatever. But often, it'll be your own personal 'take' on the individual that decides whether you believe them to be good, or less good, or just plan bad - or even Outer Mongolian.

What is it in you that makes this decision? And why am I interested? And why might you be interested?

The fact is, you have an instinctual basis for selecting information that suits your purpose in analysing and evaluating each and every situation, event, probability and person which you encounter, or expect to encounter. It has been honed quite literally, since the dawn of our species and serves us well.

You don't even need to have met someone to form a valid opinion on them. Very few have met Bush or Blair or Gandhi or Hitler or Donald Trump, yet we feel we know sufficient about them to form a solid view on those people. And it's probably 'right'. And they would receive the appropriate degree of trust from us in whatever they said, or suggested, or suggested we do.

During my business career I hired large numbers of consultants from the big 5 consulting firms to handle specific areas of business. They all generally did a reasonable job. But one firm stood out as always doing an excellent job. (Mentioning no names, but they were nick-named 'Androids' - I suppose today they would be 'Accents', but it wouldn't be the same...). Were they more 'professional' than the others? No. Did they wear flashier suits than the others? No. Did they dazzle with weightier tomes of their business analyses than the others? No. They simply did a good, solid job, on time and within (sizeable!) budget and you knew you could trust them to do so. It was on a very personal basis. You just knew.

Now it could be said these people were good because the company only selected the best. The did. And it could be argued the company took the best and gave them a thoroughly good metaphorical kicking over in Chicago or wherever they took them, to shake out the few wrong 'uns and put them through their paces and fashion them all in the same image. Also true. And you could say it was the constant striving for excellence that they inculcated in their people that made the difference. All true. But the fact is, whatever the basis for selecting and shaping their people, when you got one, you instantly trusted them. I suspect a large part of the hiring and development process for this company was in recognising those people that they themselves could trust. And they probably do this as unconsciously as do we all.

What's my point?

Trust your instincts.

There are some people you just plain trust and there are others you just plain don't. We don't need to know the basis for our evaluations in this area because it is all completely instinctual. But you know it - clear as day.

Trust your instincts.

And remember, nothing in this thread is anything to do with trading.
interesting detour you are going on, TheBramble.
In a roundabout sort of way, I have been mulling over something not too dissimilar.

hope you get some good, meaty answers.
my immediate (instinctual?) responses to your question were rapport and empathy makes the difference.
hmm ive seen it written, "I trust honest people and I trust Dishonest people thereby I am trustworthy" now take the aspect of lying... I rant that it doesn't matter to me if someone lies to me, thats their call if they choose to live that way at present, yes we may feel let down ,hurt etc at the time and feel we are the victim of the " Filthy Whopping Fib "but its the other persons issue maybe.....

Touching on professionals and my experience with Doctors, hmmm I believe that they generally believe that they practice in the main with peoples best interests at heart but..... I certainly wouldn't take what they say as definitive advice, more of professional opinion that warrants further investigation by the individual. After all I think in the US anyhow Doctors are the 3 rd leading cause of death to humans.

Should we be suspicious? hmmm are others generally trying to shaft others on the planet? can we be shafted and shaft others in a nice way ? Oerrr...

What makes me trust someone? hmmm baring in mind if i feel ive been shafted ,should I of not trusted them ? would we be less likely to trust.... maybe if that happens then its opportunity to dish out a lesson of sorts to aid the other person to learn from it... talking on a human level here, but if its business then I guess the law and prof. bodies assume the parenting role.

In short I think we have to flow with ourselves and try to be strong enough to stand up to our own values that we believe to be right for ourselves, when it counts, as we experience our life, this may well go against corporate values, theres a decision...... and you can see why companies need soldiers to act without question..... , but I can see as in the army maybe you will have individuals fully aware and still choose to adopt a "corporate persona"

As for Bush and the like I assume they adopt the presidents persona, but they must have so many hands up their anus pulling on their gizzards that the by-product of which would result in "Area 51" having stern competion through the creation of "Area 52"

hello, ......hello....... is anybody in anybody in here........
