The Most famous/recognisable living human being


Well-known member
I am having an argument with a few friends about the most recognisable and famous living human being on earth so i will like to know some of your personal choices. It must be someone that will most likely be recognised or known in every part of the world (including the most rural parts of Asia and Africa). Some names that have come up include Nelson Mandela, the Queen, George Bush and even Michael Jackson
David Beckham? r u really serious? he definitely is not the most recognisable and famous person in the world
weren't the beckams in the USA a few weeks ago - and then feeling offended they weren't being recognised?
are you sure the pope is alive ?
looks like he is kept upright by a touch of the el cid's ?
dsmodi said:
weren't the beckams in the USA a few weeks ago - and then feeling offended they weren't being recognised?

i posted an article from the NY Post regarding the Beckham's trip

it got deleted
the article? it wasn't an interview with them, it was an editorial or rather a scathing attack

the headline was "Don't come Beck"
"If the person has to be alive, then I would go for the Pope.

If dead, I would go for the Princess of Wales."

What strange and wonderful tastes you have, Skim............ ;-))
Not sure Elvis would fit the bill of "living" unless you count the bloke who works down my local chip shop who swears he's Elvis :cheesy: Might be a song in there somewhere.

David Beckham could be in the running as the whole of the Far East are nuts about him and Man Utd so that would amount to a quarter of all the people on the planet!!

I was going to say the Pope but someone else (Skim?) has voted for him.
Would have been the 'hip swiveller'
Probably the 'Louisville Lip'
Then there is Mickey Mouse- but that's a whole different ball game