The 'Fiscal Cliff' & Capital Preservation


Legendary member
Since the mid 90's, we've been hearing how the US is doomed, how the dollar will crash etc. etc. etc.

As we head into the end of 2012, we have the prospect of the end to tax cuts in the US combined with cuts in spending. On the one hand, it's a good thing. The deficit is theoretically going to be cut in half. On the other hand, tax revenues might be lower than expected if the tax increases cause a recession.

I would imagine that there will be some sort of 'sticking plaster' solution to this and that the issue will be put off till later. It's possible though that the cuts will be rolled back and we see more recession.

Any thoughts out there on the impact of the dollar in all this & do any of you have a plan for protecting your capital through this period?


hey D

they will never do it ..........they wont stop the American dream of endless consumption and limitless money ...sure there will be beating of breasts and tub thumping ...but no one will sign off the US economy to austerity measures

they are the biggest and best......why heres an american now :-

"What ?...economise ? .....rein in my debt ?.....the hell I will boy !......and be like all those quaint lil old Europeeean countries like Greece and Spain ...and italy ...and ....and

Honey - where else was I stationed in the war ?......I cant remember all those dang names of those funny dressed dudes speaking arabic or something ....was it esterponia...or syphillonia ?"
