Technical Trader Forum - Return to Private Membership


Legendary member
Mods/Admin - any threads started on the Technical Trader forum during it's period of open access to all members are more properly relocated to the public forums.

While it's up to any others who started threads there during that period where they want their thread to now exist, for my part I'd appreciate you moving mine to the public forums.

I've moved "The Relationship between Liquidity and Volume..." to Price & Volume. As far as I can see this is the only thread you started during open access. Please let me know if there are others.
frugi said:
I've moved "The Relationship between Liquidity and Volume..." to Price & Volume. As far as I can see this is the only thread you started during open access. Please let me know if there are others.

what a great pity that there is not more sharing on this site

I understand that the forex factory gained 20.000 members in just a few months
because every one is trying help one an other
I'm not sure why you've quoted my post hornblower, but to clear up any possible confusion, the originator of the Technical Trader forum, Grey1, specfically asked for it to be made private again after a period of open access and this is indeed a pity. Still, it is his decision and T2W respects it.

I'd add that Technical Trader also represents a minute fraction of the discourse on the site, the majority of which is publically available.