Swinging the pears..


Legendary member
Got about $380 bucks left in a forex account. I'm done sim trading futures for now, learned smthg from it that I will try to apply to forex pairs. Definitely going to be leveraging this...

Sticking with swinging, no daytrades unless I get lucky to cash out quick.

My target is turning 380 into 5K. Then 5K into 10. 10 into 50, and so forth
Going to start by buying CAD @2700 1000 units. Stop loss is 50 pips.
there going shut this down soon, low fruit been picked today on a frightnight.
the algos almost have to take your trades where you put them at right spot..

they have NO CHOICE LOL
the BS is about over, now the real ME is coming out

the DOW is so far up, they could take this down here, they could take this UP..

and no one would notice?? absurd
there comes a time in every trade when you go ya ya ya FU

kind of like this POS EUR won't go down here:D
they think they can push you around, i push back

i tarde right back at them1