I am looking to trade LIFFE Sugar against ICE Sugar i.e White Sugar #5 against Raw Sugar #11
I understand the conversion factor of 22.0462.
Has anyone got any thoughts how to go about this, the volume seems very small? Do you think this is the wrong way to go , maybe calendars against calendars?
What websites seem to be good for information? Sugaronline: Sugar and Ethanol news, prices and reports. seems to be the best I have found
Thanks for any help in advance
I understand the conversion factor of 22.0462.
Has anyone got any thoughts how to go about this, the volume seems very small? Do you think this is the wrong way to go , maybe calendars against calendars?
What websites seem to be good for information? Sugaronline: Sugar and Ethanol news, prices and reports. seems to be the best I have found
Thanks for any help in advance