spyware Doctor has found a virus


Established member
Spyware doctor has found a Columbia dialler virus, does anyone know how I can delete this for free or if I have to buy something what would people recommend.


Don't know anything about this specific virus, but the AVG anti-virus software available as a free download at www.grisoft.com is widely thought to be pretty good (probably worth trying, anyway - you could download it and then let it scan your system); I've even heard people say it's as good as Norton.
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I have been alerted by Norton antivirus that I have been infected with Trojan.vundo.B. can anyone recognise it and any ideas to remove the said infection?
further to the above I have tried Spydoc and my Norton antivirus cannot remove it either.

rerun all the scans in safe mode. If you're using XP then the Windows antispyware is excellent, but you need to use a spyware removal tool such as the one Oatman has suggested too.
Here's more on your troj with aliases,not much help :rolleyes: but still searching.......... ;)


this is a bad one,try these first
http://www.trojanhunter.com/ There's a free trial with this but I don't know if it removes for free.

If you can't remove it with one of these or by using the additional info that they provide,I suggest you go to PcPitstop and post a HijackThis log after reading instructions on the forum.
Tell them the problem and what scans you've already run.
Good luck
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strange i have run FxVundoB a tool to remove the VundoB virus and its report was that the virus had been removed OK. however on startup there was the virus alert back again, I know its still there because my PC is running very slowly. Also Spydoc says " no virus".!! I suppose this means taking it to the local PC shop.

strange i have run FxVundoB a tool to remove the VundoB virus and its report was that the virus had been removed OK. however on startup there was the virus alert back again, I know its still there because my PC is running very slowly. Also Spydoc says " no virus".!! I suppose this means taking it to the local PC shop.

Re-run the removal tool. I had the same virus a few days ago. It does say the virus as been removed but you still need to shut down the machine and run the removal tool a few more times. It'll obviously say it has removed it but it should definitely disappear after that!
Eddyjo, your pc maybe slow because of the anti-virus tool, especially if it is running when you first boot up, try disabling it and see how the pc works, do you have a good anti-virus installed, and is it up to-date ?
Eddyjo, your pc maybe slow because of the anti-virus tool

I'm pretty sure it’s the virus that’s slowing the computer down as I had the same b**** on my computer and it slowed the whole system and the net down immensely!
Eddyjo, if you go to the symantec website, under the help section /search, input the Fxvundo B, it will tell what kind of virus you're dealing with and more importantly how to get rid of it,
Thanks to everybody for their input, Thankfully I have restored my PC to good health, I found the solution by accident, because it was norton who was insisting I had the virus and other anti virus tools disagreed I decided to disconnect norton and bingo complete success.I now have "ZoneAlarms" as my antivirus programme, I also installed Win sp2. thanks again.


P.S. My PC shop tells me that they have an inordinate number of faults associated with Norton.