Spreadbetting Update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Carnivore
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  • Watchers Watchers 9


Hi all,

I promised to keep you updated on my progress using the method.

I have enjoyed some good success although it does take quite a bit of discipline - doesn't all trading!! I manage my trades once daily and have caught a few great trends in currencies, recent gold and some indexes.

Although I still refer to the manual to confirm some aspects of my trading decisions, I have developed an 'intuitive' assessment of appropriate trades and this is often reflected when I consult the methodology.

At the moment I follow about 20 markets (started with more but didn't decided to focus a bit more due to limited capital). The money management discipline is a real key to the method and it has added greatly to my understanding of why some traders are profitable and others are not.

The other book I bought from has also been good although it takes a little more time every day. I have been busy at work and so don't trade as much as I should but when I do the win/loss ratio is good. The odds received and the win/loss make it a good way to trade - particularly with small amounts. My bet size has increased over the last few weeks and although trading less often, have bigger bets on stronger probability trades.

All in all the combination of the two seems to be working out okay.

Hi Carnivore

Interested to read your post and notice like myself you are in Ireland.
I wonder if you could tell me which SB firm you use.
I have looked at, and and am undecided as to which one to use.
I am new to all this and am trying to educate myself before i start spreadbetting, primarily on the DOW.
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

p.s. Great Site
Carnivore, Good to see you are doing well trading spreads. What
instruments/markets are you trading?

Hope you keep it up!


follow up

Piscine - Hi,

I use Finspreads for most of my trades because of the lower minimums they attract and they also have a reasonable range of markets to follow. Their trading platform is not as good as some but it doesn't seem to affect me as the trades are less frequent than many spreadbetters.

ImranQ - I am trading currencies, metals, bonds, some commodities and the DAX and DOW. My experience and advice has been to follow strongly trending markets and that is what I try to do.

My favourites are the currencies. Probably because I have made loads of points since I began using the spreadtradingsecrets method. Just lucky first off I guess although I wouldn't have made the points if I wasn't following the methodology.

On betonmarkets I trade the major indexes.

Will try to keep the thread going and answer your questions (if I can) if you have any more.


You dont really expect Carnivore to post a copyrighted trading method on here do you ? particularly when he and others on this site have paid for it

Might be a bit pessimistic but, like many 'trading systems' for sale, if its that great then they would be spending time trading the system rather than selling it...

the more people that use the same system, the more likely it will work... selling a system to many people is one way of doing it... just think about it... everyone buying at the same time from the same buy signal or everyone selling at the same time from the same sell signal...
Carnivore, What timeframe are you using ? I assume from
your posts that you are using daily?



I have read that if too many people start trading the same signals at the same time, the system usually starts to fail. I presume this is because it becomes easy to sell after everyone is in the market and then take out the buyers stops forcing them to sell. There are others who think that you can publish a winning strategy and only a few traders will be able to stick to the rules and make a profit.

Either way, paying for a system seems pointless when there are lots of free ones on the internet and it's not that hard to work out your own.
Often these systems are based on basic principles which you can create yourself. Eg. MA crossovers, overbought/sold indicators, breakouts, pivots etc

The seller does trade using the same methods that they sell on an EOD basis.

Time Frame

Hi ImranQ,

I trade daily now because of work commitments. I looked hard for an end of day tradign system that 'felt' right and also actually worked. This manual provided a giant step forward in my trading understanding and also gave me a good system that works.

The author actually writes that the system supplied is profitable but also that it serves as the basis of a personal system that some might go on to develop. I am sure that improvements can be made to consider personal preferences but I haven't done this as yet.

With bet on markets, I generally trade at the stronger indicators which means I watch the markets daily and place larger (for me) bets at key times rather than chasing six trades per day.


How many pages are in the spreadtradingsecrets manual or e-book?

Is there a disclaimer to be signed upon purchase?
The manual is quite large. The system is basically all about Money Management and Pyramiding using ATR. Not unlike the Turtles it aims to catch larger trends.

The last two years have been very very profitable for trading the S&P futures EOD.

JonnyT, Have you just visually concluded that or have you
coded the strategy and actually backtested it?


Hi Imran,

It's easy to backtest as there are only around 6 signals per market per year.

My results were done manually and were very very impressive for this market. Something like a 1000 points per year...

Hi Del,

the manual is around 140 pages and does spend a lot pages on money mgmt and pyramiding. I agree with JohnnyT that it is easy to 'see' the backtesting results and big profits available on any market within a few moments because there are only a few trades in each market each year.

Support continues to be good from the author. Always returns emails promptly and adds value in other ways also.
<i>the more people that use the same system, the more likely it will work</i>

I know what you mean reactor, perhaps in the short term, but what happens when others try to take advantage of the people using it? For example forcing the price of a security below a stop when it is known many must have set that stop. Ultimately any highly specific, publicised and well used system must eventually be doomed to failure. I am thinking of Turtle trading specifically.

Perhaps these systems are useful providing your use your own variation of them, however, then it simply reduces to another form of money management.