SpreadBet MT4 Recommendations

Had read execution is better with MT5. It's the indicators and hedging that is the problem.
Yes I understand about the hedging, but when the execution time overall is such poor on the MT4 slippage is bound to happen. Try out the Activtrades MT5 platform and you will notice the speed difference. The spread on the EUR/USD on the average is 0.8 pips.
Its probably been asked before but things change rapidly so its worth asking again.

I am looking for an MT4 spreadbet provider. I currently use GKFX (MT4) and Tradefair (web based) but i am not happy about the setup. I place my bets with the tradefair account but the web platform was never much good and its got worse with the last change. I never bet with my GKFX account because the spreads are a joke and the execution is worse. I stopped when it was costing me an average of 5 points in & out on EURUSD because of bad spread and slippage so i just use it for the charting.

I have seen a few options but none seem that good. Most web based platforms offer spreads of 0.6-1 point on EURUSD and leverage typical about 1:400. All the MT4 spreadbet platforms i have found are spreads of 1.2-1.6 and max leverage of 1:100.

So question is can anyone recommend an MT4 spreadbet broker with web type spreads and leverage?

I would also be OK with a web based platform that has some flexibility that allows me to enter at market quickly with a default stop on a one click basis. It seems now most are going the way of full order ticket (bring up ticket, select buy/sell, select order type, work out and enter price for SL) or one click but no option to enter an SL at the same time.

I think saxo bank and capital spreads do it. Have you checked whether IG do? Usually quite competitive, but not sure about MT4.
Having been out of the game for a couple of years, I was quite surprised how many SB providers now offered MT4. I used to use it on SmartLiveMarkets (who morphed into GKFX), but now, as mentioned, there is:

Capital Spreads

(as well as those others have mentioned that I was not aware of).

Mind you, Simon Denham, on the interview that a link has been posted to elsewhere said "...we offer MT4 because people like it, but actually...it's rubbish!".
