Spread Betting - Best Book or Course for Beginners


Junior member
Can anyone advise me as to the best Spread Betting book and/or course to purchase for beginners.

When recommending a product can you please give some info on it e.g. contents etc

As for books, I would much prefer a an ebook / pdf / cd-rom / dvd type book.

I hope someone can help.

Thanks in advance.
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I used "Spread Betting Financial Markets Online" by Kevin Brown.

This is a DVD and Kevin takes you through each step of the trading process. From memory, I think he uses Finspreads. He tells you what the common pitfalls are, for example, some Spread Betters quote gold per tenths of a tick, so you need to be vigilant when placing bets, otherwise you might end up betting 10 times more than you intended.

It is for the complete beginner, so would be a bit basic for the more experienced Spread Betters.

Can't remember the price but it's published by epublish.co.uk. Maybe try the usual online booksellers and compare prices.

Good luck
The best way to learn..


you can get a free virtual s/b account at the above link, very quick and easy
the best way to learn is to practice

link to Kevin Brown dvd


Financialistix said:
Can anyone advise me as to the best Spread Betting book and/or course to purchase for beginners.

When recommending a product can you please give some info on it e.g. contents etc

As for books, I would much prefer a an ebook/pdf type book.

I hope someone can help.

Thanks in advance.
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starspacer said:
I used "Spread Betting Financial Markets Online" by Kevin Brown.

This is a DVD and Kevin takes you through each step of the trading process. From memory, I thinkundefined he uses Finspreads......

Hi There! I am new to spreadbetting......have you any experience of finspreads? Can anyone comment?
Thanks! ;)


I have used Finspreads on occasion and they have been okay. They do a particularly good news section on upcoming economic and company events (essential reading imho).

Overall, I think they have a decent reputation. Spreads are okay but generally wider than Capital Spreads and D4F.

Overall, if you are looking for decent customer service, and are prepared to pay a bit extra in spreads for this then Finspreads is ok. They also provide a useful beginners tuition (no cost). This involves sending you a weekly bulletin which deals with the basics of Spread Betting. You can also trade very low amounts of 'real money' which is useful to get you up and running quickly, but without incurring financial disaster.

All of course, only my humble opinion.

Whatever you do, best of luck.


I have just been where you are. After doing lots of searching I purchased two books and a video series. Was quite a big investment (especially considering that I had to pay in dollars).

Firstly, I bought the Vince Stanzione book. I actually didn't think much of it even though I am a novice. I also bought his video's off of e-bay and I thought they were really good. I would purchase those in preference to his financial spread trading book.

I also bought another book that was referred to me and thought it was great. There is some other info on this board but it was written by an Aussie guy who posts under aussietrader and is called the Principles of Profit. His website is www.spreadtradingprofits.com Anyway, this was much more comprehensive than the stanzione book and have had excellent support with any questions. It is also much cheaper than the stanzione offerings. I bought the hard copy but it is available in pdf format.

I hope this helps you with your search. I have only been trading for a short time but am actually doing so quite profitably thanks to two of the three products above.

I also use finspreads and have had no problems whatsoever. I would like to go to Manspread betting but they won't take 'foreigners'

Thanks guys! You have been a great help and of course, sandy jadeja's course is good too.
but it was written by an Aussie guy....

with a name like BushRanger you're talking as if you're not from Australia yourself??? No correlation between you and AussieTrader hey?
Trader _Dave,

didn't you know we are all related down here! Next time you meet an Aussie make sure you ask them if they know your "Uncle Marty" who settled in Wagga Wagga in 1982. Australia is such a small place and the next city of several million people is only a 15 hour car journey that I've had BBQ's with almost every other person in Australia. (A bit heavy on the sarcasm -sorry!)

In answer to your question - Bushie bought a book from me some time ago and I actually referred him to this forum to get an answer to a question he had. Other than that we are simply living inthe same part of the world.


BTW - do y ou know my mate Dave who moved to London from Sydney last year. As you both have the same name I thought you might actually be related and thus know each other ;-)
didn't you know we are all related down here! Next time you meet an Aussie make sure you ask them if they know your "Uncle Marty" who settled in Wagga Wagga in 1982.

Come to think of it, I had a great grandfather who we used to call Marty...has to have been him.

I'm from Brisbane originally, but moved from Sydney before coming to London so perhaps I am that particular Dave....I should probably change my name to something like skippy...or the_crocodile_man...

strewth.. ;)

Trader Dave
Thanks Dave, you made me laugh. A great way to start the day!

I'm confused -
is Dave REALLY your Uncle Marty then?
(Hang on, got wan a they dictationaries around here summplace... lessee, Sarcophagus, Sarcuitously, Sarcasm... AH! He isn't your uncle at all then! Had me going for a minute there....)
Curiously, I have a brother in law who lives in Brisbane... he really IS called Dave...
Thanks Dave, you made me laugh. A great way to start the day!

There is another post around here somewhere about someone trying to crack in to the world of banking and he stated his belief along the lines of "due to lack of academic skills in Australia, it would be much easier" or something like that. So true.

I had a hell drive to work this morning....Good thing we dont have parking problems in Australia...hell we dont even have roads yet though do we.

WHY . spread bet when you can get a deal on open markets??????????????????
beginners will lose loads , if thay start with spread ,direct gives a lot smaller spread,spread is only good if you are a pro trader so you can avoid tax ,
Just thought I would write a quick note to say that I purchased the spread betting video the other day, which was recommended on this thread. As I am a novice I can honestly say that the video was a good buy and easy to watch. Didn't send me to sleap at all!

The presenter gets straight to the point and even places a real trade. I will watch it a couple more times though so that I can grasp everything on the DVD it's self.

If you do want to buy an instructional spread betting video I would recommend this one first as it is quite cheap, short and sweat.