Spiriton Media Group

Hello Anley,

I believe I owe you an apology....sorry. I had the wrong guy. It was Mugs! Mugs, I hope you have an appetite. shares are up around .11 with volume trading of over 17 million! How can this be? We are now talking about some serious money changing hands. Not 20 or 30k but upward of 1 mil. Who's got the bag of money?? PB, You wouldn't happen to have an english version of what's being touted in Germany, would you?

Hi makki83:
I'm really curious how and why you have your shares in your bank account when we here in the UK are still waiting? It is a plc company and I take it that you're not in the UK. So, who did you talk to that got your cert sent to you? What makes you so sure that what you've got is the listed shares? It would be interesting to know. I wonder if Mr. Miller has his shares yet? Maybe he could comment on it.
Don't have an English version I just used google translate. Just click on those links and copy/paste the articles into google translate and you'll see. It's just the usual crap 'this is the next big thing' type stuff, nothing substantial.

Ps don't get too excited about the share price, remember if you all get your share certificates you'll sell and cause the price to collapse. Do you think they are going to let you do that? Expect more excuses from Comical Ali.
how will paul miller keep up with the share register now that over 17 million shares were traded today
have we any legal ways of forcing them to release the certs

Probably a bit late for that now, what's the chance that a company that has been wound up is going to care about some sort of legal action. Its a shame that everybody (with perhaps only 1 or 2 exceptions) trusted them for so long despite all the evidence of it being a scam.
Hi makki83:
I'm really curious how and why you have your shares in your bank account when we here in the UK are still waiting? It is a plc company and I take it that you're not in the UK. So, who did you talk to that got your cert sent to you? What makes you so sure that what you've got is the listed shares? It would be interesting to know. I wonder if Mr. Miller has his shares yet? Maybe he could comment on it.[/QUOTE]

Hi Somshares,
I wouldn't be trusting maki too much. He either has phony certs or is Comical Ali business partner.
Hi makki83:
I'm really curious how and why you have your shares in your bank account when we here in the UK are still waiting? It is a plc company and I take it that you're not in the UK. So, who did you talk to that got your cert sent to you? What makes you so sure that what you've got is the listed shares? It would be interesting to know. I wonder if Mr. Miller has his shares yet? Maybe he could comment on it.

Hi Somshares,
I wouldn't be trusting maki too much. He either has phony certs or is Comical Ali business partner.[/QUOTE]

Hy all

Erliar i had Raze TV shares. I bought this by my broker in Lugano, he is really a good guy, at the moment i dont know where he works.

Yes I got a call from a men in hong kong, it was really strange.
Yesterday i sell my shares, i make a bit - minus, but im happy that i take any Change.
I wish u guys all the best, and I hope that u get the shares soonl. sorry about my english
In most cases, unsecured creditors, which shareholders automatically are, get nothing, or perhaps a penny o2 two on the pound.
In most cases, unsecured creditors, which shareholders automatically are, get nothing, or perhaps a penny o2 two on the pound.

Thats assuming they have anything left to split up. Remember SOM has no physical assets but claimed to have 300k capital. Having said that they also claimed they didn't have enough money to file their accounts. I suppose the official receiver is the guy that will assess their assets and inform creditors. Has anyone contacted them and lodged a claim?
Thats assuming they have anything left to split up. Remember SOM has no physical assets but claimed to have 300k capital. Having said that they also claimed they didn't have enough money to file their accounts. I suppose the official receiver is the guy that will assess their assets and inform creditors. Has anyone contacted them and lodged a claim?

I contacted the gentleman [email protected], who is based in London and can be contacted on 0207-637-1110 and sent him my information on these charlatans. He is handling the winding-up referenced in Leeds/VCM. Good luck.
Thats assuming they have anything left to split up. Remember SOM has no physical assets but claimed to have 300k capital. Having said that they also claimed they didn't have enough money to file their accounts. I suppose the official receiver is the guy that will assess their assets and inform creditors. Has anyone contacted them and lodged a claim?

Hi All

The reason for my questions was I wanted to know what the implications were of the appointment of the Liquidators, so thanks for the info.

I have been asked by a Patrick Finn of Irwin Mitchell to ask SOM investors to contact him re the appointment of the official Liquidators.
Thank you for your e-mail.

I should be grateful if the other "investors" could notify me in writing of their names, addresses and the amounts they are owed and that they are prepared to support the nomination of Chris Wood of Clough Corporate Solutions be appointed as liquidator of the Company. Or alternatively you could collate this information and let me have those details which would make things easier.

As soon as a liquidator is appointed than we can get moving on this as soon as possible.



I have checked this with Michael Lazarus @ [email protected] office and this is a legitimate request, and it is up to the creditors of SOM to agree to who is appointed as the Liquidators.

So firstly as FLEECED&CO asked all Investors need to record their individual details with Jarif and then if you wish to support Irwin Mitchells request to appoint the Liquidators then please contact Patrick on [email protected].

We need to do this and if anyone knows an investor how hasn't been keeping up to date with T2W please let them know too.

BTW no news from SOM Customer Relations UK or Directors in answer to my further questions??



There were some guys on www.iii.co.uk who were talking to oldoneleg about SOM a while back. They could be the same guys that are here, I don't know. Some of them seemed to be shareholders.

There were some guys on www.iii.co.uk who were talking to oldoneleg about SOM a while back. They could be the same guys that are here, I don't know. Some of them seemed to be shareholders.

I know I was on iii.co.uk a while back when I was trying to find out more information. I think most of them are on here now. But I'll sort out my password and post a link to this page at some point!!

Thanks Mugs will make contact with Patrick Finn as well......

Hi All

The reason for my questions was I wanted to know what the implications were of the appointment of the Liquidators, so thanks for the info.

I have been asked by a Patrick Finn of Irwin Mitchell to ask SOM investors to contact him re the appointment of the official Liquidators.
Thank you for your e-mail.

I should be grateful if the other "investors" could notify me in writing of their names, addresses and the amounts they are owed and that they are prepared to support the nomination of Chris Wood of Clough Corporate Solutions be appointed as liquidator of the Company. Or alternatively you could collate this information and let me have those details which would make things easier.

As soon as a liquidator is appointed than we can get moving on this as soon as possible.



I have checked this with Michael Lazarus @ [email protected] office and this is a legitimate request, and it is up to the creditors of SOM to agree to who is appointed as the Liquidators.

So firstly as FLEECED&CO asked all Investors need to record their individual details with Jarif and then if you wish to support Irwin Mitchells request to appoint the Liquidators then please contact Patrick on [email protected].

We need to do this and if anyone knows an investor how hasn't been keeping up to date with T2W please let them know too.

BTW no news from SOM Customer Relations UK or Directors in answer to my further questions??

