wow ur reli stretching the boundaries of what TA is...i reli don't think Simons is using TA. The naievty of the person writing the quote is pretty obvious as he says "complex mathematical models"...if you have any knowledge of quant trading the systems are neither complex nor particularly mathematical. Indeed, the reason why Simons has outperformed isn't to do with his "system" and it isn't something that has worked day in-day out. It works because the system is constantly changed when the market changes, best shown in the funds '08 performance. But it isn't clear what he does, so you shouldn't speculate and use it support your own spurious arguements.
Most of these strategies aren't really assoicated with "TA" anymore, they are quant strategies. It isn't the 80s anymore and Market Wizards, while a good read, isn't relevant either. I would add that the thing from ABN Amro also sounds like bull****, i'm not an expert on statistics but i believe a test like that wouldn't work due to non-stationarity and academic studies on momentum don't use that timeframe, altho the fact remains they come up with the same conclusion. Anyway, for every trend-follower who has made money there are more who haven't, just the same as anything else. It isn't an "answer" and it isn't the "truth". Just had to bring some balance it.