Sound Problem

Chicken Curry

Active member
Help !!!

I have a problem with sound on my computer.

I can play music, ie. downloaded mp3 files and also Radio 1 etc from the BBC website etc. etc.

However, if I try to run an audio CD I cannot hear anything.

To get the sound on this I need to go to My Computer >> Untitled CD >> Explore ( Right Click ) and then click on the apprpriate file. The sound then works.

Other sounds are also not coming, eg. the usual piece of music when you first switch on the computer and windows fires up.

Anyone got any ideas why these sounds are not coming ? There seems to be a "missing link / connection" somewhere ?

Any help very appreciated.
have you opened up the case and checked that you actually have an audio cable leading from the CD drive to the mobo (normally long black thin cable, as well as the IDE lead and the power lead)?

EDIT:sorry, didn't read the bit about right clicking on My Comp/Explore etc...