Sierracharts & IB


I would like to know from those of you who use Sierracharts and Interactive Broker.A) How do you find Sierra charts and the intraday update from IB.
B) Am I correct in thinking IB intraday data update is free when used with Sierracharts?
C) On average how fast does IB execute an order.
Hi Peter,

IB is a very good data feed. Fast and accurate. You need to subscribe to market data for any market you trade with IB. BUT if you trade US indices and make more than $30 a month in commissions you get ES etc free. YM is free anyway. On order filling IB is very fast.
Hi Peter,

I agree with Helen, the data from IB is as good as any other data provider you will find. Orders are usually filled within 3 seconds in my experience and on the markets that I traded. This may vary depending upon the markets you would want to trade and the liquidity within them. The only issue with IB that I have is their customer support in the event of a problem is not so good. You can be stuck in a telephone queue and that is seomthing you wouldnt want if you are stuck in a trade that you are unable to close online.

Good Luck

hi all,good evening.

on the subject of IB and the appropriate analysis software,i need some help on the process of it.

I am personally looking to trade ftse futures and also the e mini's.

Is their any software you can get both on, and if so, what is the costs of it.

lastly, has anyone got any idea of the market size of the ftse futures.
Hi one/two,

Welcome to the site.

The Sierra/Mytrack/IB mix will do what you want,as will several other packages. What you go for depends on your budget and trading style really.

Check out the software reviews on here and then feel free to ask questions.
