Screening tool for EU markets



I was searching for web based screener, with backtesting integrated over European markets. I tried using PRT but to be honest it seems too complicated ( a lot of code line for just simple filters over RSI, MACD...). Regarding Backtesting it issue is getting worse .... :(

I heard something about another one, which works with a plain english, and obviously I am thinking about getting a subscription, but I would like to know if someone could give me feedback ... it is Eurostock Screener

Thank you very much.
I have been using EurostockScreener for a number of months now and find it usefull.
I have come acrross and with the help of the developers (by email, always prompt answers) overcome some of the difficulties i initially had in getting the backtesting to work. If your using it for spreadbetting say at £1.50 a point you eter it as if it was total shares so it becomes 150. Other than that i really cant say much other than i find it a usefull tool to evaluate strategies