Trading signals for stock/options market


Junior member
Hello, Traders!

There are hundreds of assets in the market that may be interesting for trading.
By studying various financial markets for a long time, we agreed on the need for automation of analytics. In order not to go through hundreds of assets every day, we created the options screener that lets you get ready for trading efficiently and make decisions with a clear head, since most of the calculations are automatic.

OptionClue options screener analyzes the 400 most liquid US stocks and due to a special algorithm chooses the most relevant assets to trade.

The screener saves you time and identifies the most promising assets that may start actively moving (for example when they are in sideways trends and triangles) and at the same time it takes into account conditional «high cost» or «cheapness» of underlying options.

These signals can be used in options market when trading straddles and strangles, and in classic stock market.

To learn more about the product, you can follow this link.

I think, for many of you, it will become a valuable tool that helps find new trading ideas every day.

I encourage you to give it a try.